Security and Justice in Post-Revolution Libya

Security and Justice in Post-Revolution Libya

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Three years after the death of Muammar Qaddafi and the end of the revolution in Libya, security and justice are stalled and elusive despite the proliferation of security providers. The power of the gun prevails over the rule of law. Many see no end in sight. Based on a nationwide survey and drawn from interviews and focus group sessions, this report—supported by the USIP and the Small Arms Survey—tracks security and justice in Libya from before the revolution through today, its realities, and...

Type: Peaceworks

Violence, the Taliban, and Afghanistan’s 2014 Elections

Violence, the Taliban, and Afghanistan’s 2014 Elections

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

This report sheds light on the controversial 2014 presidential election in Afghanistan through the murky lens of the Taliban. How did they view it? Was the violence as high as in previous elections? What were their strategies in the lead-up? How did it affect their image, if at all? What strategies are they adopting in its wake? Are they moving closer to Afghan mainstream politics, which for the most part is still made of strongmen, manipulation, and corrupt patronage networks rather than bas...

Type: Peaceworks

Violent ExtremismReligionJustice, Security & Rule of Law

Conflict Dynamics in Sindh

Conflict Dynamics in Sindh

Monday, January 26, 2015

Pakistan’s southern province of Sindh has a reputation for stability, diversity, and tolerance. It is also at a tipping point—increasingly threatened by violent extremism, crime, political corruption, tribal feuds, and nationalist and separatist movements. If the province is not to become yet another base for militants, as areas to the north already are, the government needs to act promptly and decisively. Addressing the security situation in Sindh is also integral to stabilizing Karachi, whi...

Type: Peaceworks

Conflict Analysis & PreventionViolent ExtremismEnvironmentEconomics

Participatory and Inclusive Constitution-Making

Participatory and Inclusive Constitution-Making

Thursday, January 29, 2015

In the wake of the Arab Spring, citizens across the Middle East and North Africa are demanding reforms from their governments. How these governments respond to their people and promote inclusive constitution-making processes may determine whether their new social compacts lead to a durable peace. This report draws from the work of scholars and constitution makers who have been exchanging ideas about how to ensure that modern constitutions incorporate the needs and aspirations of the citizens ...

Type: Peaceworks

Justice, Security & Rule of LawDemocracy & Governance

Prisons in Yemen

Prisons in Yemen

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Since the 2011 Arab Spring crisis, Yemen has faced ongoing serious security sector challenges. Part of this reform effort is the country’s prison system, which this report—drawing on visits to thirty-seven facilities in six governorates—documents from a systems perspective. This report provides a more in-depth assessment of detention facilities and their role within larger rule of law challenges. Opportunities for prison reform are emerging, many well within reach. Arabic language version ava...

Type: Peaceworks

Violent ExtremismJustice, Security & Rule of Law

Political and Economic Dynamics of Herat

Political and Economic Dynamics of Herat

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The city of Herat sits in Afghanistan’s most western province, on the border with Iran, and is significant on several counts. A major trading hub and the largest city in the region, it is in some respects an exemplar for the entire country. One the one hand it is a prevailing spirit of enterprise, on the other persistent insecurity and ad hoc urban development. How the new national unity government in Kabul unfolds will have significant implications for how Herat is able to meet the challenge...

Type: Peaceworks

EnvironmentDemocracy & GovernanceEconomics

Perceptions of Security in Libya

Perceptions of Security in Libya

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Three years after the fall of Muammar Gadhafi and his regime, Libya is again on the brink of civil war. Various circumstances underlie this predicament—mistrust between regions, political power struggles, and sporadic and uncoordinated security and justice sector reforms. So that better understanding of the security needs of Libyan citizens today is possible, this report assesses the popular legitimacy of security providers in the country today and identifies their local, religious, and legal...

Type: Peaceworks

Justice, Security & Rule of LawFragility & Resilience

Libya’s Next Elections: A Step Forward or a Step Back?

Libya’s Next Elections: A Step Forward or a Step Back?

Friday, August 17, 2018

Since the uprisings in Libya began in February 2011, the country has seen considerable and almost constant upheaval. International players have tried to facilitate a transition to democracy, but success has been fleeting. Now, in the midst of political division and internal conflict, Libyans are attempting to hold presidential...

Type: Peaceworks

Global Elections & ConflictDemocracy & Governance