President Trump’s announcement suspending negotiations with the Taliban over the future U.S. troop presence has rapidly changed the landscape of the Afghanistan peace process. However, while the future of U.S.-Taliban talks and the hope of direct negotiations between the Afghan government and the Taliban are now uncertain, the urgency for finding a way to reduce violence and achieve a political settlement of the conflict remains: the Taliban and the Afghan government are still in a military stalemate; ISIS and al-Qaida retain footholds in Afghanistan; and Afghans continue to suffer ever higher civilian casualties. The need for peace is greater than ever – but the way forward is as complex as ever. 

While all parties take stock of the new situation and determine the best way forward to achieve stability in Afghanistan and the region, USIP brought together a distinguished panel of experts to assess where the peace process stands and identify possibilities for sustainable talks in the future. Continue the conversation with #AfghanPeace and #AFGPeace.


The Honorable Nancy Lindborg, welcoming remarks
President & CEO, United States Institute of Peace

Ambassador Roya Rahmani, opening remarks
Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the United States

Shaharzad Akbar
Chairperson, Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission

Laurel Miller
Country Director, Asia, International Crisis Group 

Barnett Rubin 
Senior Fellow and Associate Director, Center for International Cooperation, New York University 

Michael Semple
Visiting Professor, Queen's University Belfast, Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation and Social Justice

Scott Worden, moderator
Director of Afghanistan and Central Asia Programs, United States Institute of Peace 

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