Dr. Geoffrey Macdonald is a visiting expert on South Asia at USIP.

Dr. Macdonald is also a senior advisor in the Asia-Pacific division at the International Republican Institute (IRI), where he currently focuses on research and program strategy in Asia. Previously, Dr. Macdonald was IRI’s Bangladesh country director, overseeing the design, implementation, evaluation and financial management of U.S. government-funded programs on civil society capacity building, youth civic education, minority rights, political party strengthening, and countering violent extremism. Dr. Macdonald has also taught political science at George Washington University, Grinnell College and other institutions.

Dr. Macdonald’s research focuses on political and extremist violence, democratic design, conflict management, and comparative politics with a regional focus on Bangladesh and South Asia. He holds a doctorate from the University of Denver’s Josef Korbel School of International Studies and was awarded a Fulbright research scholarship to India in 2012-2013.

Dr. Macdonald’s writing has been published by the Journal of Democracy, The Washington Post, Foreign Policy, the Council on Foreign Relations, and various other academic and policy outlets.

Publications By Geoffrey

What’s Behind Bangladesh’s Student Protests?

What’s Behind Bangladesh’s Student Protests?

Monday, July 22, 2024

Bangladesh’s streets have again erupted with political violence. In early July, a university student protest began over Bangladesh's job quota system that disproportionately benefits the descendants of Bangladesh’s 1971 liberation war fighters, which many students view as unfair and outdated. Early last week, peaceful protests turned violent as police and ruling party supporters violently dispersed crowds. At least a half-dozen people died in early violence, including one man apparently shot by police with his hands raised, while pro- and anti-government students clashed around the country.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & Governance

How Have India’s Neighbors Reacted to Its Election?

How Have India’s Neighbors Reacted to Its Election?

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Narendra Modi was sworn in on June 9 for his third consecutive term as India’s prime minister. Public polls had predicted a sweeping majority for Modi, so it came as some surprise that his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) lost ground with voters and had to rely on coalition partners to form a ruling government. Although India’s elections were fought mainly on domestic policy issues, there were important exceptions and Modi’s electoral setback could have implications for India’s regional and global policies.

Type: Analysis

Global Elections & ConflictGlobal Policy

A Perilous Moment for Bangladesh’s Democracy

A Perilous Moment for Bangladesh’s Democracy

Monday, March 4, 2024

Bangladesh’s parliamentary elections in January cemented the country’s transition to a “dominant-party” political system. Aided by an opposition boycott on Election Day, the Awami League (AL) extended its 15 years in power with another five-year term, which will soon make Bangladesh’s prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, the world’s longest continuously serving female head of government in contemporary history. But political dominance comes with risk. Around the world, dominant-party systems often develop common maladies that harm the country’s governance. Ensuring competition across politics, government and the economy can forestall these problems.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & GovernanceGlobal Elections & Conflict

What Does Bangladesh’s Upcoming Election Mean for its Foreign Policy?

What Does Bangladesh’s Upcoming Election Mean for its Foreign Policy?

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Bangladesh is getting more international attention for two very different reasons. Domestically, Bangladesh’s tumultuous political situation ahead of the January 7 parliamentary elections has elicited global scrutiny. The United States, through its rhetoric and actions, has led international actors pushing Bangladesh to improve its democratic processes and calling for dialogue to resolve the current political impasse, which has often received harsh retorts from the Awami League (AL) government. Countering Western pressure, Russia and China have condemned U.S. “meddling” while India has called the upcoming polls an “internal matter.”

Type: Analysis

Democracy & GovernanceGlobal Policy

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