Un avance sobre las elecciones de 2024 en América Latina

Un avance sobre las elecciones de 2024 en América Latina

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

By: Lucila Del Aguila Llausas;  Nicolás Devia-Valbuena;  Mark Feierstein;  Keith Mines;  Mary Speck, Ph.D.

En los últimos años, el sentimiento anti-oficialista se ha apoderado de la mayoría de América Latina, moviendo el péndulo electoral hacia la izquierda en México, Colombia, Honduras y Brasil, trastocando las coaliciones corruptas que durante mucho tiempo han gobernado en Guatemala y entregando la presidencia de Argentina a un autoproclamado "anarcocapitalista". Sin embargo, el 2024 podría resultar ser un buen año para los candidatos del oficialismo. En los cinco países con elecciones este año —El Salvador, Panamá, República Dominicana, Uruguay y México—, los aspirantes de los partidos gobernantes, al menos hasta ahora, encabezan las encuestas.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & GovernanceGlobal Elections & Conflict

A Preview of 2024 Elections Throughout Latin America

A Preview of 2024 Elections Throughout Latin America

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

By: Lucila Del Aguila Llausas;  Nicolás Devia-Valbuena;  Mark Feierstein;  Keith Mines;  Mary Speck, Ph.D.

Anti-incumbent sentiment has gripped much of Latin America in recent years, swinging electoral results leftward in Mexico, Colombia, Honduras and Brazil, upending the corrupt coalitions that have long ruled Guatemala, and handing the presidency of Argentina to a self-proclaimed “anarcho-capitalist.” But 2024 may prove to be a good year for establishment politicians. In the five countries with elections on the calendar — El Salvador, Panama, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Mexico — insider candidates are polling ahead, at least so far.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & GovernanceGlobal Elections & Conflict

Cautious Hopes for a Breakthrough in Venezuela

Cautious Hopes for a Breakthrough in Venezuela

Monday, October 16, 2023

By: Mark Feierstein

Hopes that an election in Venezuela next year might resolve the country’s political divisions and revive a moribund economy have reemerged as the Biden administration and Nicolás Maduro’s regime are reportedly near an agreement to lift some U.S. sanctions in return for steps to hold a fair contest in 2024. Still, considering recent history, skepticism abounds among the international community that the authoritarian government would allow an opposition candidate to win the election and take office.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & Governance

Lula busca reactivar la cooperación regional – pero tiene detractores

Lula busca reactivar la cooperación regional – pero tiene detractores

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

By: Nicolás Devia-Valbuena;  John Feeley;  Jennifer McCoy;  Richard M. Sanders

Como líder de Brasil, el país más grande de Sudamérica – tanto en términos de tamaño, población y PIB – el presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva tiene una enorme influencia, así como una ambición de igual escala. Tras seis meses de su tercer mandato (luego de 12 años de ausencia), el gregario líder brasileño – conocido a nivel mundial simplemente como "Lula" – ha saltado de nuevo con ansias al escenario mundial, mostrándose como el líder del Sur Global.

Type: Analysis

Global Policy

Brazil’s Lula Looks to Revive Regional Cooperation — But He’s Got Critics

Brazil’s Lula Looks to Revive Regional Cooperation — But He’s Got Critics

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

By: Nicolás Devia-Valbuena;  John Feeley;  Jennifer McCoy;  Richard M. Sanders

As the leader of Brazil, South America’s largest country — biggest by far in area, population and GDP —President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has enormous clout and the ambition to match. Six months into his third term in office (after a 12-year absence) the gregarious Brazilian leader — known around the world simply as “Lula” — has jumped eagerly back onto the world stage as a champion of the Global South.

Type: Analysis

Global Policy

Keith Mines on the Crises in Venezuela and Haiti

Keith Mines on the Crises in Venezuela and Haiti

Monday, June 12, 2023

By: Keith Mines

While Haiti’s and Venezuela’s political, security and humanitarian situations remain dire, there are promising regional efforts underway to address both countries’ crises. While “the U.S. is looking for someone else to take the lead” on these situations, “there are things at play that are encouraging and at some point are going to need very tangible U.S. support,” says USIP’s Keith Mines.

Type: Podcast

Global Policy

Lavrov in Latin America: Russia’s Bid for a Multipolar World

Lavrov in Latin America: Russia’s Bid for a Multipolar World

Thursday, April 27, 2023

By: Kirk Randolph

This past week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov completed a four-country tour of Latin America to reinforce Moscow’s alliances and foster growing partnerships in the region. During the trip, Lavrov met with the heads of state of Brazil, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba in their respective countries, as well as another meeting with Bolivian emissaries during his stop in Venezuela. Lavrov used the opportunity to emphasize the key tenet of Russia’s newest foreign policy concept that was launched in the past month and is shared by regional powers like Brazil: The world is experiencing a revolution in which Western power is weakening and a new multipolar world is emerging.

Type: Analysis

Global Policy

To Secure Shared Environments, We Must Protect Indigenous Peacebuilders

To Secure Shared Environments, We Must Protect Indigenous Peacebuilders

Thursday, April 20, 2023

By: Chris Collins;  Mona Hein;  Emmanuel Davalillo Hidalgo;  Binalakshmi Nepram

Humanity observes our 53rd annual Earth Day this week while worsening our assault on our planetary home. Arguably our most critical protectors against this self-harm are Indigenous people who, only about 6 percent of us, protect 80 percent of Earth’s biodiversity. Yet powerful elites, armed groups and business interests attack and kill politically marginalized Indigenous environmentalists to continue clawing wealth out of ecosystems from the Amazon and Congo basins to the Himalayas. Any real hope of reversing our environmental degradation will require U.S. and international policymakers to strengthen protections for Indigenous environmentalists.

Type: Analysis

EnvironmentHuman Rights