USIP Prevention Newsletter - May 2011

USIP Prevention Newsletter - May 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

The bimonthly Prevention Newsletter provides highlights of the Institute's conceptual and region specific work aimed at helping to prevent conflicts in Africa, the Middle East, South and Northeast Asia, and the special project on genocide prevention. It also provides Over the Horizon thinking on trends in different regions, as well as information about events, working groups and publications.

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Games Peacebuilders Play

Thursday, May 12, 2011

If military folks play war games, then peace builders play peace games. But SENSE, or Strategic Economic Needs and Security Exercise simulation training, creates a world of make-believe in which only pragmatic decision-making actually pays off.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Afghans Present Complex Reaction to the Death of Osama bin Laden

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

While the response to the death of Osama bin Laden in the United States was largely euphoric, in Afghanistan, arguably the country most impacted by bin Laden and al-Qaida, the response has been one of concern and caution. In order to parse this response, USIP reached out to a number of our Afghan partners and friends for their response to events of May 1.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Praise for Pandemics and Peace

“This book is an original and unique contribution to the literature on infectious disease detection and response, offering an encyclopedic consideration of regional health diplomacy as a ‘bridge to peace.’ The volume presents a very detailed case study of three transnational regional disease surveillance programs of varying effectiveness and tackles the question of the legitimacy and accountability of the transnational public-private partnerships which play an increasingly central role in glo...

Religion and Peacebuilding in Egypt

Monday, May 9, 2011

Religious tensions in Egypt recently erupted into violence at two churches near Cairo, highlighting the importance of interfaith dialogue. Read about USIP's work to improve Coptic-Muslim relations in Egypt.

Type: Analysis
