Pakistan, the United States and the End Game in Afghanistan: Perceptions of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy Elite

Pakistan, the United States and the End Game in Afghanistan: Perceptions of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy Elite

Thursday, July 28, 2011

This brief summarizes the perceptions of Pakistani foreign policy elite about Pakistan’s strategy and interests in Afghanistan, its view of the impending “end game”, and the implications of its policies towards Afghanistan for the U.S.-Pakistan relationship.

Type: Peace Brief

Conflict Analysis & PreventionMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

Unfinished Business in Bosnia and Herzegovina: What Is To Be Done?

Unfinished Business in Bosnia and Herzegovina: What Is To Be Done?

Friday, May 1, 2009

This is the first of three papers USIP will publish this month on Bosnia, each with a different analytical perspective on what is happening in Bosnia and what needs to be done there to prevent a return to violence. We do this in the hope that these papers will generate a fuller debate on options that might be pursued by the U.S. government (USG), Europe and Bosnians. 

Type: Peace Brief

Haiti: Is Economic Security Possible if Diplomats and Donors Do Their Part?

Haiti: Is Economic Security Possible if Diplomats and Donors Do Their Part?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

In 2009, Haiti has been the subject of an unprecedented diplomatic initiative led by the United Nations. In rapid succession, Haiti received visits from the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, the UN Security Council, former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and numerous senior delegations from Caribbean and South American countries

Type: Peace Brief
