
Upheaval in Syria

Monday, March 28, 2011

Scott Lasensky is the co-author of Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace (USIP Press) and Dealing with Damascus (Council on Foreign Relations). He travels regularly to Syria.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Making Economics Work for Peace

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Economists typically work in the realm of modeling rational economic behavior and drafting policies to foster growth, income and financial stability in that context. But when conflict strikes, the best designed models and the normal interplay of supply and demand can run head-on into some brutal realities. The disconnect between economic theory and real-world practice in societies torn by conflict is something that USIP’s Raymond Gilpin experienced firsthand early in his career as the res...

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & PreventionEnvironmentEconomics

Truth Commission Digital Collection

Truth Commission Digital Collection

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The United States Institute of Peace’s Truth Commissions Digital Collection is part of the Margarita S. Studemeister Digital Library in International Conflict Management.  The collection contains profiles of truth commissions and substantive bodies of inquiry from nations worldwide - offering general background information on the composition of each body, links to the official legislative texts establishing such commissions, and each commission's final reports and findings.

Type: Truth Commission

Conflict Analysis & PreventionHuman Rights

What Is In Haiti’s Future?

What Is In Haiti’s Future?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This report is based on views expressed during a January 26, 2010 event hosted by the U.S. Institute of Peace’s Haiti Working Group titled “What is in Haiti’s Future?” The event featured presentations by Thomas Adams, the U.S. State Department’s special coordinator for Haiti; Alexandre Abrantes, the World Bank’s special envoy to Haiti; Mark Schneider, senior vice president of the International Crisis Group; and Robert Fatton, University of Virginia’s associate dean for graduate programs.

Type: Peace Brief

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

USIP Prevention Newsletter - March 2011

USIP Prevention Newsletter - March 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The bimonthly Prevention Newsletter provides highlights of the Institute's conceptual and region specific work aimed at helping to prevent conflicts in Africa, the Middle East, South and Northeast Asia, and the special project on genocide prevention. It also provides Over the Horizon thinking on trends in different regions, as well as information about events, working groups and publications.

Conflict Analysis & PreventionHuman Rights