In this episode we discuss mediating violent conflicts with Dr. Chester A. Crocker. Dr. Crocker is James R. Schlesinger professor of strategic studies at Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service and serves on the board of its Institute for the Study of Diplomacy. Dr. Crocker’s teaching and research focus on international security and conflict management. From 1981 to 1989, Dr. Crocker served as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs. He developed the strategy and led the diplomacy that produced the treaties signed by Angola, Cuba, and South Africa in New York in December 1988. These agreements resulted in Namibia’s independence (March 1990) and the withdrawal of foreign forces from Namibia and Angola. President Ronald Reagan granted him the President’s Citizens Medal, the country’s second highest civilian award. Dr. Crocker has also served as the Chairman of the USIP Board of Directors from 1992 – 2004.

The Peace Frequency presents in-depth interviews with ordinary people doing extraordinary things to create a world free of violent conflict. It is produced by the U.S. Institute of Peace Academy.

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Why the UN’s Future Summit Matters Amid Today’s Global Crises

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