Building Peace

Building Peace

Sunday, February 1, 1998

The volume explores the dynamics of contemporary conflict and presents an integrated framework for peacebuilding in which structure, process, resources, training, and evaluation are coordinated in an attempt to transform the conflict and effect reconciliation

Type: Book



Wednesday, October 1, 1997

By the time it ended in 1992, Mozambique's 15-year civil war had exacted a terrible price. Economically paralyzed, the vast, drought-stricken country was rich only in enmity, landmines, and AK-47s. Into this misery was thrust a multifaceted UN mission, ONUMOZ, to manage the transition from military combat to electoral contest. Remarkably, when ONUMOZ departed two years later, that job was largely done.

Type: Book

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Islamic Activism and U.S. Foreign Policy

Islamic Activism and U.S. Foreign Policy

Monday, September 1, 1997

For many in the West, political violence in Algeria, the Middle East, and elsewhere has come to symbolize the threat of “Islamic activism.” Terrorist attacks such as the bombing on the World Trade Towers have solidified this view. Western governments, however, must deal with the challenge of extremism in the broader context of their relations with diverse states with contrasting histories, geographies, and peoples.  

Type: Book


Arts of Power

Arts of Power

Sunday, June 1, 1997

In this comprehensive treatment, distinguished diplomat Chas Freeman describes the fundamental principles of the art of statecraft and the craft of diplomacy.

Type: Book

Late-Breaking Foreign Policy

Late-Breaking Foreign Policy

Thursday, May 1, 1997

USIP Press book examines the media's influence on the deployment--or withdrawal--of U.S. peacekeeping troops to avert humanitarian disasters the world over.

Type: Book

The Diplomat's Dictionary

The Diplomat's Dictionary

Thursday, May 1, 1997

Diplomacy obviously means very different things to different people. In this entertaining and informative collection, career diplomat Chas Freeman brings together keen observations, witty insights, shrewd advice, and classic words of wisdom on the art and practice of diplomacy. In so doing, this wide-ranging compendium draws on many cultures, ancient and modern.  

Type: Book

Reluctant Neighbor

Reluctant Neighbor

Tuesday, April 1, 1997

The essays in this volume fill an important gap in the literature on Turkey and the Middle East, bringing together the points of view of scholars, journalists, and other observers from the United States, Europe, Turkey, and the Middle East for an unprecedented dialogue on issues of growing importance.

Type: Book

Power Sharing and International Mediation in Ethnic Conflicts

Power Sharing and International Mediation in Ethnic Conflicts

Sunday, September 1, 1996

Can power sharing prevent violent ethnic conflict? And if so, how can the international community best promote that outcome? In this concise volume, Timothy Sisk defines power sharing as practices and institutions that result in broad-based governing coalitions generally inclusive of all major ethnic groups. He identifies the principal approaches to power sharing, including autonomy, federations, and proportional electoral systems.  

Type: Book

Mediation, Negotiation & Dialogue