Truth Commission Digital Collection

Truth Commission Digital Collection

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The United States Institute of Peace’s Truth Commissions Digital Collection is part of the Margarita S. Studemeister Digital Library in International Conflict Management.  The collection contains profiles of truth commissions and substantive bodies of inquiry from nations worldwide - offering general background information on the composition of each body, links to the official legislative texts establishing such commissions, and each commission's final reports and findings.

Type: Truth Commission

Conflict Analysis & PreventionHuman Rights

USIP Prevention Newsletter - January 2011

USIP Prevention Newsletter - January 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

The bimonthly Prevention Newsletter provides highlights of the Institute's conceptual and region specific work aimed at helping to prevent conflicts in Africa, the Middle East, South and Northeast Asia, and the special project on genocide prevention. It also provides Over the Horizon thinking on trends in different regions, as well as information about events, working groups and publications.

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Project on Conflict, Democracy and Security

Led by Daniel Brumberg, senior adviser to the Center for Conflict Analysis and Prevention, this project examines the conditions surrounding political reform in unstable and/or divided societies, aiming to provide a guide for peaceful and inclusive democratic transformation.

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Internal Displacement and Local Peacebuilding in Kenya

Internal Displacement and Local Peacebuilding in Kenya

Friday, September 17, 2010

Since the election in December 2007, Kenya has witnessed an unprecedented degree of postelection violence that has produced large numbers of victims, including hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs). This persistent insecurity linked to mobilized youth, local impunity, and the failure of the police and legal system makes resettlement and reintegration of the displaced dangerous.

Type: Special Report

Human RightsMediation, Negotiation & DialogueYouth

USIP Prevention Newsletter - September 2010

USIP Prevention Newsletter - September 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The bimonthly Prevention Newsletter provides highlights of CAP's conceptual work, its region specific work aimed at helping to prevent conflicts in Africa, the Middle East, South and Northeast Asia, and the special projects on genocide prevention and nonproliferation. It also provides Over the Horizon thinking on trends in different regions, as well as CAP events, working groups and publications.

Conflict Analysis & PreventionGlobal Policy

USIP Prevention Newsletter - July 2010

USIP Prevention Newsletter - July 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The bimonthly Prevention Newsletter provides highlights of CAP's conceptual work, its region specific work aimed at helping to prevent conflicts in Africa, the Middle East, South and Northeast Asia, and the special projects on genocide prevention and non-proliferation. It also provides Over the Horizon thinking on trends in different regions, as well as CAP events, working groups and publications.

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Truth Commission: Kenya

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Truth Commission: Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Duration: 2 years anticipated Charter: Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission Bill Commissioners: 7 Report: The commission is still in session.

Type: Truth Commission