
Trump Needs to Spell out His Strategy for Africa—Before It's Too Late - National Interest

Monday, October 9, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

As Chinese economic and political ties across Africa grow, increasingly stagnant U.S. policy towards the continent threatens to undermine both American and African interests. Proponents of stronger U.S.-Africa relations seemingly had much to celebrate in September. At a working lunch with African Leaders, President Donald Trump lauded Africa’s “tremendous business potential,” and highlighted a compact signed between Côte d’Ivoire and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) that promises to improve access to secondary education and infrastructure.

Trump Aides to Take Message to Pakistan - Ahmedebad Mirror

Sunday, October 8, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

President Donald Trump will dispatch his top diplomatic and military advisors to Pakistan in the coming weeks, turning up the heat on a nuclear-armed ally accused of harbouring terror groups. Weeks after Trump angrily accused Islamabad of providing safe haven to “agents of chaos,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson plans to depart for Pakistan late this month. He will be followed by Secretary of Defence Jim Mattis, according to US and Pakistani sources.

New Horizons for Houghton Alumni - Houghton Star

Sunday, October 8, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

Today, Houghton alumni are dispersed all over the world, pursuing excellence for the glory of God in their respective disciplines. Two recent Houghton alumni, Sophia Ross ’17 and Olivia Graziano ‘16, have moved on to utilize their degrees in a unique, professional setting and impact many. Ross currently works as the Marketing Associate at Image Journal, a literary quarterly in Seattle, Washington. Graziano works as the Creative Director of Intermotion Media, “a group of creatives” that use video to tell “unforgettable stories.”

U.S. Eases Sanctions On Sudan - NPR

Saturday, October 7, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

The Trump administration has eased sanctions on Sudan, a government the U.S. once accused of carrying out a genocide. While Sudan remains an international pariah, the U.S. says it needs to work with Khartoum on some key security matters, including North Korea.

Pakistan Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif warns India against surgical strikes on its soil - Press Trust of India

Friday, October 6, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif today warned India against carrying out surgical strike or targeting its nuclear installations, saying if that happens nobody should expect restraint from his country. Referring to the statement of India’s Air Chief Marshal B S Dhanoa that the Indian armed forces are ready for a full spectrum operation, Asif said Pakistan wants to live in peace and harmony with its neighbours.