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China in Peru: The Unspoken Costs of an Unequal Relationship

China in Peru: The Unspoken Costs of an Unequal Relationship

Monday, July 1, 2024

China’s political and economic influence in Latin America has increased dramatically since the turn of the century. This is especially true in resource-rich countries like Peru, where China has channeled billions of dollars of investment into the oil and mining sectors. This report takes a critical look at the narrative that closer engagement with China is the key to Peru’s future economic development and prosperity, and suggests ways that US agencies, corporations, and NGOs can support Peruvians’ efforts to create a more equitable balance in their country’s relationship with China.

Type: Special Report

Global Policy

Earth’s best defenders are Indigenous. They pay a price: violence.

Earth’s best defenders are Indigenous. They pay a price: violence.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Little noted by the world, warfare in India’s northeastern state of Manipur this spring has killed hundreds of Indigenous people and uprooted more than 35,000 residents. This violence along the India-Myanmar border fits a global pattern, also little noted: For decades, some 80 percent of human conflicts have smoldered in the “biodiversity hotspots” where our planet’s flora and fauna are most threatened by battles for resources and wealth — and where Indigenous peoples suffer the violence while protecting humanity’s common ecological heritage. We should strengthen the world’s inadequate public attention and policies on this crisis, and 2023 offers a chance to do so.

Type: Analysis


Rabia y represión en el Perú: restableciendo la confianza ciudadana y el orden público

Rabia y represión en el Perú: restableciendo la confianza ciudadana y el orden público

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Las distintas administraciones del Perú han experimentado continuos ciclos de crisis en los últimos años. Escándalos de corrupción han agitado el mundo político repetidamente, enfrentando a presidentes contra congresos profundamente divididos. Los últimos cuatro presidentes fueron removidos del poder u obligados a renunciar y los cuatro anteriores completaron sus mandatos solo para enfrentar o investigaciones judiciales después de dejar el cargo.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & GovernanceJustice, Security & Rule of Law

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