Plagued by centuries-old cleavages surrounding ethnicity, geography, class and social status, Bolivia is struggling to emerge from the most recent cycle of sociopolitical violence sparked by the contested 2019 elections. USIP supports efforts to bridge divides and strengthen democratic institutions through youth peacebuilding fellowships, training in nonviolence for social movements, and research surrounding dialogue and consensus-building experiences and opportunities.
Featured Publications
¿Puede Bolivia evitar una nueva oleada de violencia electoral en 2025?
Cuando el candidato de izquierda Luis Arce ganó las elecciones de Bolivia en 2020, muchos esperaban que el país finalmente pudiera entrar en un período de estabilidad y paz. La sorprendentemente pacífica transferencia de poder se produjo después de uno de los períodos más tumultuosos de la historia política reciente de Bolivia. El presidente Evo Morales, un líder indígena de izquierda, habia sido derrocado en 2019 después de protestas masivas y acusaciones de fraude electoral, seguidas por la controvertida presidencia interina de Jeanine Añez y las violentas y a veces letales protestas contra su gobierno, junto con la pandemia de COVID-19 en 2020. Cuando el moderado tecnócrata Arce ganó con una abrumadora victoria del 54% en la primera vuelta, se vio como un indicio que el país deseaba un semblante de unidad nacional y podría encontrar un espacio para sanar.
Can Bolivia Avoid Renewed Election Violence in 2025?
When leftist candidate Luis Arce won Bolivia’s 2020 elections, many hoped that the country could finally enter a period of stabilization and peace. The surprisingly peaceful transfer of power came after one of the most tumultuous periods of recent Bolivian political history. President Evo Morales, a leftist indigenous leader, was ousted in 2019 after massive protests and electoral fraud allegations, followed by the controversial interim presidency of Jeanine Añez and the violent and sometimes lethal protests against her government, alongside the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. When the moderate, technocrat Arce won with an overwhelming 54% victory in the first round, it was seen as an indicator the country wanted a degree of national unity and could find the space to heal.
In the Global Rush for Lithium, Bolivia is at a Crossroads
Since 2010, the global demand for lithium has surged due to its unique properties ideal for battery production in electric vehicles and electronic devices. Bolivia, home to the world’s largest lithium deposits, views this resource as a transformative opportunity for industrialization and modernization, but if mismanaged, it could also be a source of internal conflict. The United States has an opportunity to use its hemispheric position and technical advantage to help Bolivia develop its lithium reserves in a productive and economically viable way, edging out other actors such as China whose transactional approach leaves much to be desired.