Nonviolent Civic Action

Nonviolent civic action includes such activities as boycotts and demonstrations undertaken by a group of people to persuade others to change their behavior. In this study guide, students will learn how nonviolent civic action has been used in the past to effect change without violence.

This study guide series is designed to serve independent learners who want to find out more about international conflict and its resolution, as well as educators who want to introduce specifics topics in their courses. The main text of each guide briefly discusses the most important issues concerning the topic at hand, especially those issues that are related to the critical task of managing conflicts and building international peace.

Features of the study guide include:

  • Main text that discusses the phenomenon of nonviolent civic action—action taken by a group of people to persuade others to change their behavior.
  • A glossary of terms.
  • Discussion questions and activities to encourage critical thinking and active learning.
  • A list of readings and multimedia resources for additional investigation and learning opportunities.

The study guide can be used by teachers and students to:

  • Increase understanding of the complex environment of conflict and dealing with various forms of nonviolent civic action.
  • Become familiar with strategies for conflict prevention, management, and resolution.
  • Develop students’ analytical reading, writing, and research skills.
  • Reinforce students’ abilities to produce a work product using traditional and electronic means of research, discussion, and document preparation.
  • Locate lessons, bibliographic sources, factual materials, and multimedia resources to assist students in writing essays for submission to the National Peace Essay Contest.

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The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s).

PUBLICATION TYPE: Teaching and Learning Guide