
Mike Pompeo has Trump's ear, but who really wields the influence? - Washington Times

Sunday, March 17, 2019

News Type: USIP in the News

America’s top diplomat swept through the grandiose lobby of the famed Peninsula Hotel with purpose early on a recent morning. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo couldn’t have slept much since arriving late the night before, but he had a bounce in his step as a clutch of reporters attempted to...

Trump clings to 'all or nothing' strategy on North Korea - AFP

Saturday, March 9, 2019

News Type: USIP in the News

In Hanoi, Donald Trump overturned the widely held assumption he would be willing to settle for an interim agreement on North Korea’s denuclearization. But despite the breakdown of the summit and the atmosphere of scepticism that now abounds, the US president seems determined to stick with his “all or nothing” approach...