
Kosovo: Status with Standards

Thursday, April 15, 2004

On March 17-19, anti-Serb rioting by Albanians in Kosovo resulted in death and destruction. USIP considers what happened as well as why and how such events can be prevented in the future.

Type: Peace Brief

Somalia: Ten Years Later

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Years of negotiations marked by bickering among various Somali factions have produced little. Recently hope has emerged that an agreement to create a national Somali government might be in sight. What are the prospects for peace?

Type: Peace Brief

Iraq and Its Neighbors: A Regional Architecture Is Needed

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Regime change in Iraq has affected its neighbors, and these neighbors in turn affect the reconstruction process in Iraq. In the past regional dynamics have too often led to strife and war. How can these dynamics be channeled in more positive directions: towards development, economic cooperation, democracy, and security for all?

Type: Peace Brief

Managing Iraq's Oil Revenues

Friday, February 20, 2004

Ensuring that the Iraqi people become the primary beneficiaries of the country's oil will be critical not only to the credibility of efforts by the coalition but also to Iraq's future democracy and unity.

Type: Peace Brief