
Strategies for Promoting Democracy in Iraq (Arabic Edition)

Saturday, October 1, 2005

Summary Social justice and economic development are essential for democracy in Iraq to succeed. The idea of a democratic Iraq is not one imposed by foreign powers, but rather one that Iraqis themselves vigorously support. Iraq has a tradition and history of democracy that can help promote the successful establishment of a democratic form of government in post–Saddam Hussein Iraq.

Orphans of Conflict: Caring for the Internally Displaced

Orphans of Conflict: Caring for the Internally Displaced

Saturday, October 1, 2005

This report proposes five steps to improve the global response to internal displacement. If taken, these steps would build ownership of IDPs by host governments and foreign donors, implement rules and standards governing the response, reform the response of the United Nations and the United States, and create a permanent advocacy constituency for IDPs.

Type: Special Report

Strategies for Promoting Democracy in Iraq

Strategies for Promoting Democracy in Iraq

Saturday, October 1, 2005

The Education program at the United States Institute of Peace has since early 2004 been involved in a project to help rehabilitate the Iraqi higher education system and to introduce courses and materials in conflict resolution and peace education into university curricula throughout the country

Type: Special Report