The slogan “Build Back Better” has come to symbolize the commitment to help Haiti’s government and people address the roots of poverty and instability. Former Haitian Prime Minister Michèle Pierre-Louis shared her views on Haiti’s future.

Read the event analysis, Former Haiti Prime Minister Says, “Haiti Must Build Back Better”

The slogan “Build Back Better” has come to symbolize the commitment to help Haiti’s government and people address the roots of poverty and instability. Yet, in the nine months since the January 12 earthquake, reconstruction efforts have stalled, and Haitians face a new task of holding national elections on November 28.  How will Haitians and the international community respond to this dual challenge? Former Haitian Prime Minister Michèle Pierre-Louis discussed these issues and her views on Haiti’s future.


  • Michèle Pierre-Louis
    Visiting Fellow, Harvard University's Institute of Politics
    Former Prime Minister of Haiti (2008-2009)
  • Robert Maguire, Discussant
    Chair, Haiti Working Group, U.S. Institute of Peace
    Former Jennings Randolph Senior Fellow, USIP
    Associate Professor of International Affairs, Trinity Washington University
  • Robert Perito, Moderator
    Director, Haiti Program, U.S. Institute of Peace

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