SNAP: Synergizing Nonviolent Action and Peacebuilding (Spanish)

SNAP: Synergizing Nonviolent Action and Peacebuilding (Spanish)

Friday, August 23, 2019

Esta guía de acción busca tender puentes entre los profesionales en la construcción de la paz y la acción no violenta a fin de que se usen métodos de manera estratégica y con eficacia en el camino hacia la transformación de conflictos. Muestra cómo el diálogo, las habilidades de acción directa y los enfoques se pueden sinergizar para avanzar la justicia y la paz sostenible.

Type: Toolkit

Nonviolent Action

Gender Inclusive Framework and Theory (Arabic)

Gender Inclusive Framework and Theory (Arabic)

Thursday, September 24, 2020

(Arabic) The Gender Inclusive Framework and Theory (GIFT) guide is an approachable and thorough tool that facilitates the integration of gender analysis into project design. Because peacebuilding work is context dependent, the GIFT puts forth three approaches to gender analysis – the Women, Peace and Security Approach; the Peaceful Masculinities Approach; and the Intersecting Identities Approach – that each illuminate the gender dynamics in a given environment to better shape peacebuilding projects.

Type: Tools for Peacebuilding


SNAP: Synergizing Nonviolent Action and Peacebuilding (Arabic)

SNAP: Synergizing Nonviolent Action and Peacebuilding (Arabic)

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

يسعى هذا الدّليل إلى إقامة جسور تواصل بين العاملين في مجال بناء السّلام من جهة والناشطين في مجالات التّحرّك غير العنيف من جهة أخرى. ويستعرض أساليب العمل المتاحة في كلا المجالين بصورةٍ إستراتيجيّةٍ وفعّالةٍ للمساهمة في تحويل النزاع. ويُبيِّن الدّليل طريقة تحقيق التّضافر بين الحوار ومهارات التّحرّك المباشر والمقاربات من أجل خدمة العدالة والسّلام المستدامين. أعدّ هذا الدّليل ليوضع بتصرّف المدرّبين والمُيسِّرين وسائر الأشخاص المتعاملين مع المنظمات والناشطين والوسطاء والمفاوضين وبناة السّلام الذين يرغبون في معرفة المزيد بشأن طريقة الدّمج بين إستراتيجيّات التّحرّك غير العنيف وبناء السّلام في عملهم.

Type: Toolkit

Nonviolent Action

From Pariah to Partner: The US Integrated Reform Mission in Burma

From Pariah to Partner: The US Integrated Reform Mission in Burma

Thursday, September 14, 2017

This series of case studies—Burma (2009-2015), Jordan (2011-2016), and the Lake Chad Region (2013-2016)—document efforts and draw lessons from where US government leaders believe deepening crises were staved off through collaborative inter-agency engagement. Part of USIP’s “3D Learning from Complex Crises” project, the cases provide programmatic and operational lessons from complex operating environments. These lessons support systemic integrated approaches to complex crises and will better equip individuals to share objectives when working in inter-agency environments.

Type: Tools for Peacebuilding

Civilian-Military RelationsFragility & ResilienceMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

Preserving Stability Amidst Regional Conflagration: US-Jordan 2011-2016

Preserving Stability Amidst Regional Conflagration: US-Jordan 2011-2016

Thursday, September 14, 2017

This series of case studies—Burma (2009-2015), Jordan (2011-2016), and the Lake Chad Region (2013-2016)—document efforts and draw lessons from where US government leaders believe deepening crises were staved off through collaborative inter-agency engagement. Part of USIP’s “3D Learning from Complex Crises” project, the cases provide programmatic and operational lessons from complex operating environments. These lessons support systemic integrated approaches to complex crises and will better equip individuals to share objectives when working in inter-agency environments.

Type: Tools for Peacebuilding

Civilian-Military RelationsFragility & ResilienceMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

Breaking Boko Haram and Ramping Up Recovery: US-Lake Chad Region 2013-2016

Breaking Boko Haram and Ramping Up Recovery: US-Lake Chad Region 2013-2016

Thursday, September 14, 2017

This series of case studies—Burma (2009-2015), Jordan (2011-2016), and the Lake Chad Region (2013-2016)—document efforts and draw lessons from where US government leaders believe deepening crises were staved off through collaborative inter-agency engagement. Part of USIP’s “3D Learning from Complex Crises” project, the cases provide programmatic and operational lessons from complex operating environments. These lessons support systemic integrated approaches to complex crises and will better equip individuals to share objectives when working in inter-agency environments.

Type: Tools for Peacebuilding

Civilian-Military RelationsFragility & ResilienceMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

Law of War Training: Resources for Military and Civilian Leaders

Law of War Training: Resources for Military and Civilian Leaders

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Law of War Training is a resource for military and civilian leaders to find information and assistance in providing law of war training for their military personnel. The manual analyzes different options for law of war training and helps leaders assess how to implement training within specific financial and operational constraints.

Type: Tools for Peacebuilding