
Training of Trainers in Peacebuilding & Conflict Transformation - ReliefWeb

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

The ‘Training of trainers in peacebuilding and conflict transformation Course’ is targeting 15 peacebuilding practitioners with an interest in deepening their knowledge and skills in peacebuilding and conflict transformation and in designing, facilitating and evaluating trainings.

The problem of defining terrorism - CCRCAW Secular Studies & Researches Centre

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

المقدمة من خلال التأمل في تاريخ الإنسانية وتحري أحوالها الاجتماعية ندرك أن الإرهاب بوصفه عمل اجرامي وجد مع مهد الإنسانية الاولى حينما قتل قابيل أخاه، ومضى بعض الناس مقتفين أثره ومتخذين الوسائل الإرهابية وسيلة لنيل مطالبهم . وحري بالذكر أن الإرهاب كان فردياً أو ضمن مجموعات متشعبة وأمشاج متفرقة في مظان متباعدة وكان جل مبتغاها السطو على أموال الناس، لكن الآن قضية الإرهاب غدت دولية وتمارس ضمن أجندات إقليمية لغايات ايدولوجية وسياسية واقتصادية، وبعد أن كان الإرهاب يرتكب من قبل أشخاص معدودين، أصبح يرتكب من قبل منظمات وجماعات محلية ودولية ووصل الأمر إلى ضلوع الدول في ارتكاب هذه الجريمة البشعة بصورة مباشرة وغير مباشرة. وتعدى أثرها من قتل أفراد أوعوائل الى أبادت شعوب بأكملها وتدمير البنية التحتية للمدن. ونظراً للنتائج الكارثية والوحشية التي تتركها هذه الجرائم في ذاكرة وضمير الإنسانية، لجأت الشعوب والدول والمنظمات إلى إدانتها واستنكارها فور وقوعها، لكن موقف الجهات المذكورة غير موحدة، ففي الوقت الذي تعتبر دولة أو شعب ما حادثة معينة بأنها إرهابية وتستنكرها، ترى دولة أخرى أو شعب آخر بأن ذلك دفاع عن النفس وأنها ليست بعمل إرهابي. هذا الاختلاف في الموقف إزاء جريمة بعينها فيما إذا كانت إرهابية من عدمها يقودنا إلى طرح إشكالية البحث والتي هي:

حرب تخفي حرباً أخرى.. بقلم : تيري ميسان - Champress

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

وفقا للإستراتيجية الأميركية الكبرى، التي حددها الأميرال آرثر ك. سيبروفسكي في عام 2001 ونشرها نائبه توماس بارنت عام 2004، يجب تدمير كامل الشرق الأوسط الموسع باستثناء إسرائيل والأردن ولبنان.

PeaceTech Lab asks: How can we make the world a more peaceful place? - Mashable

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

At PeaceTech Lab, global peace is more than just an idealistic phrase: It's the backbone of the group's day-to-day work. The D.C.-based organization hosts an eight-week accelerator program, "the first major international peacetech program powered by cloud innovation and dedicated to scaling startups around the world."

Word on the Hill: International Day of Peace - Roll Call

Thursday, September 21, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

Today is the International Day of Peace, a day established by the United Nations as an annual commemoration of world peace. To mark the occasion, the United States Institute of Peace is encouraging people to take the Peace Day Challenge. Some ways make the world around you more peaceful? A promotional video from the institute suggests talking to someone who doesn’t look like you, volunteering for a cause you care about or speaking up when you see someone being intolerant. Post on social media how you observed the day, using the hashtag #PeaceDayChallenge.

Kanu: The method in the madness - The Guardian

Thursday, September 21, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

Those who think Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, is crazy and delusional, must pause a little for further reflection. If they do, perhaps they would discover that there is some method in his madness. The only evidence I have for this assertion comes from the thoughts of a select few among the Igbo leaders and intelligentsia.

United Nations celebrates International Day of Peace to promote unity - ABCNews7 (New York)

Thursday, September 21, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

September 21 is International Day of Peace, which originated in 1989 by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly. A few decades later, the General Assembly declared to make the day a "period of non-violence and cease-fire." ... To commemorate the day, a #PeaceDayChallenge was created by the U.S. Institute of Peace to bring people together not just to observe the day, but to take action.

Donald Trump wants to lead a 21st century scramble for Africa—but he doesn’t know how - Quartz

Thursday, September 21, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

Eight months into his term, president Donald Trump made his first Africa policy speech on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meeting in New York. Over lunch at a posh hotel built by Leona Helmsley’s husband and once owned by the Sultan of Brunei, Trump signaled that his Africa policy would revolve around doing business and fighting terrorists on the continent. Meanwhile, Trump failed to mention the democracy, development, human rights, or corruption challenges facing the continent.

The end of impartiality? Peacebuilders urge rethinking of traditional firewall - DEVEX

Friday, September 22, 2017

News Type: USIP in the News

If your relief organization was offered $50 million dollars to fight a spiraling cholera outbreak in Yemen from Saudi Arabia, which leads a military coalition fighting there, should you take the money? Riyadh is one of the largest donors to the Yemen crisis, including to pooled funds that many NGOs receive funding from. Is it better to use the money, or to turn down the offer and remain purely neutral?