Dominic Kiraly is the director of online and headquarters training at the U.S. Institute of Peace. He leads the Institute’s online education and training initiatives and pioneered USIP’s Global Campus, which has trained over 100,000 professionals worldwide. 

Kiraly has partnered with some of the world’s top institutions and international experts to develop over 100 different training courses on a wide array of topics, delivery formats, and languages. Kiraly is also the executive producer of the new USIP podcast series, Culturally Attuned

He co-founded the Institute for Technology and Social Change (TechChange). Previously, Kiraly worked for the United Nations-affiliated University for Peace in Geneva, Switzerland. 

Kiraly earned a master’s in business administration in international economic development from Eastern University and a master’s in international law and human rights from UPEACE in Costa Rica. He also completed coursework towards a doctorate in international politics at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. 

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