For each fellow, this archive lists the fellow’s name, the type of fellowship, the year of their award, the fellow’s institutional affiliation at the time of the award and the title of the research and or project they worked on during their fellowship. (Note: fellows may have moved institutions since receiving the award.)

2020 - 2021

Andrew Glazzard (Senior Fellow)
Senior Director, National Security Studies Research Group, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) | “Violent Extremism, Disengagement and Reconciliation Interventions and their Contexts in Iraq, Nigeria and Syria.”

MaryAnne Iwara (Senior Fellow)
Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Nigerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs | “Community Perceptions of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence and Reintegration: The Case of Women and Children Associated with Boko Haram.”

Farida Nabourema (Senior Fellow)
Executive Director, Togolese Civil League | “Gender-based Violence and Nonviolent Movements.

2019 - 2020

Louis-Alexandre Berg (Senior Fellow)
Assistant Professor, Global Studies Institute and Political Science Department, Georgia State University | “Security Sector Governance, Peacebuilding, and the Effects of U.S. Security Sector Assistance.”

Sarah Holewinski (Senior Fellow)
Washington Director, Human Rights Watch | “Security Sector Governance and Reform Strategy: Building Peaceful Security.”

2018 - 2019

Veronique Dudouet (Senior Fellow)
Program Director for Conflict Transformation Research, Berghof Foundation | “The Relationship between People Power and Formal Peace Processes: How Nonviolent Collective Action and Movements Influence a Peace Process.”

Jalil Abbas Jilani (Senior Fellow)
Former Ambassador of Pakistan to the U.S., Belgium and European Union | “India-Pakistan Conflict Resolution and Regional Stability, including Means for Peaceful Coexistence and Support for Reconciliation in Afghanistan.”

Tara Kartha (Senior Fellow)
Distinguished Fellow, Institute of Peace and Conflict Research, India | “India-Pakistan Conflict Resolution and Regional Stability, including Means for Peaceful Coexistence and Support for Reconciliation in Afghanistan.”

2017 - 2018

Shaazka Beyerle (Senior Fellow)
Author and Senior Advisor, the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict | “Social Movements and External Assistance: An Evidence-Based Strategic Framework to Support Nonviolent Action for Peaceful Change.”

C. Esra Çuhadar (Senior Fellow)
Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Bilkent University, Turkey | “Understanding and Devising Strategies to Overcome Elite Resistance to Inclusive Peace Negotiations.”

Mats Staffan Darnolf (Senior Fellow)   
Senior Global Electoral Operations and Administration Advisor, the International Foundation for Elector Systems (IFES) | “Breaking not Bending: Afghan Elections Require Institutional Reform.”

Bhojraj Pokharel (Senior Fellow)
Author and Former Chairman, Nepalese Election Commission | “Election Violence Prevention through Preventative Diplomacy.”

Ann Wainscott (Senior Fellow)
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Miami University | “The Role of Iraq's Religious Sector for Peacebuilding and Reconciliation.”

John R. "Jay" Wise (Senior Fellow)
U.S. Department of State | “The Impact of Sensor Technology on Transparency and Escalation Dynamics in India-Pakistan Relations.”

2016 - 2017

Oliver Kaplan (Senior Fellow)
Assistant Professor, Josef Korbel School, University of Denver | “Framing External Support to Nonviolent Actors in Conflict.”

2015 - 2016

Derek Brown (Senior Fellow)
Secretary and Co-Director, Peace Appeal Foundation | “An Examination of the Institutional Structures that Support National Dialogue Processes.”

Rabia Anwar Chaudry (Senior Fellow)
Attorney, Chaudry & Anwer | “Religion and Countering Violent Extremism: Examining the Role of Young Faith Leaders in Driving and Mitigating Sectarianism in Pakistan and Myanmar.”

Pamina Firchow (Senior Fellow)
Associate Professor, Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University | “Everyday Perceptions of Peace and Justice: Community Interventions and Reconciliation in Colombia and Uganda.”

Manal Taha (Senior Fellow)
MSI Worldwide and USAID: Road to Tolerance Program | “Youth and Violent Extremism Associations in Libya: Approach to Understand Local Factors of Community Resilience and Vulnerability.”

2013 - 2014

Alan Kuperman (Senior Fellow)
University of Texas at Austin, “Humanitarian Blowback? Lessons for Future Intervention.”

Sharon Morris (Senior Fellow)
Mercy Corps, “Peacebuilding and Development: Towards a New Model of Civilian Assistance in Transitional States.”

Daniel Wegeland (Senior Fellow)
Special Inspector for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), “The Humble Counterinsurgent: Metrics, Management and Behaviors.”

2012 - 2013

Carla Ferstman (Senior Fellow)
Redress International, “Improving the Accountability of International Organizations”

Namrata Goswami (Senior Fellow)
Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, “China-India Border Issues in the Eastern Sector: Confidence-building or Continuing Tensions?”

Bruce Oswald (Senior Fellow)
Melbourne Law School, “The Legal and Policy Framework for Opposition and Interim Government Forces Maintaining Law and Order.”

2011 - 2012

Jelke Boesten (Senior Fellow)
King’s College, London, “Understanding Sexual Violence at the Interface of War and Peace.”

Donald Horowitz (Senior Fellow)
Professor of Law and Political Science at Duke University | “Constitutional Design for Severely Divided Societies.”

Veronica Eragu-Bichetero (Senior Fellow)
Lawyer and Consultant (Gender, Human Rights, Conflict) in private practice, “African Women's Participation in Peace-Making: Lessons and Experiences from the Great Lakes Region.”

Michael Lund (Senior Fellow)
Former Senior Specialist of Conflict and Peacebuilding at Management Systems International, Inc. | “Democracy without Tears? Avoiding Conflict or State Failure in Post-Authoritarian Transitioning 'Semi-Democracies'.”

Lise Morjé Howard (Senior Fellow)
Assistant Professor in the Department of Government at Georgetown University | “U.S. Foreign Policy in Ethno-Sectarian Civil Wars.”

Christina Murray (Senior Fellow)
University of Capetown | “Constitution Making Between Violence and Peace: Kenya’s Story.”

James Savage (Senior Fellow)
University of Virginia, “State-Building in Iraq: The 17th Benchmark and the Reconstruction of Iraq's Budgetary Institutions.”

Frederick Tipson (Senior Fellow)
Former Director, UNDP | "Disaster Relief as Preventative Diplomacy- Enhancing the Multilateral Dimensions."

Ahmet Yukleyen (Senior Fellow)
Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and the Croft Institute for International Studies at the University of Mississippi | “Salafism and Radicalization of Muslim Youth in Europe: The Dutch Case.”

2010 - 2011

Kamoludin Abdullaev (Senior Fellow, 2010-12)
Tajik National University | "The Afghanistan-Pakistan Conflict and its Impact on Central Asia."

Cecile Aptel (Senior Fellow)
International Centre for Transitional Justice | "Bring the Children Back: Reintegrating Children Who Have Participated in Mass Atrocities."

Michael Bratton (Senior Fellow)
Michigan State University | "Paradoxes of Power Sharing: Zimbabwe’s Protracted Transition."

Patricia Fagen (Senior Fellow)
Georgetown University | "Reintegration: A Challenge for Building Peace and Restoring National Integrity."
Caroline Hartzell (Senior Fellow)
Gettysburg College | "Civil War Settlements and Post-Conflict Economic Growth"

Jok Madut Jok (Senior Fellow)
Loyola Marymount University | "A Crumbling Political Landscape in Southern Sudan: How Insecurity Threatens the 2005 Peace Accord."

Andrew Pierre (Senior Fellow)
Adjunct Professor, School of Foreign Service and Senior Associate, Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University | "NATO’s Enlargement Beyond the Visegrad Three."

Philippe Peycam (Senior Fellow)
International Institute of Asian Studies, Netherlands | "Social Cohesion Through Creative Knowledge in Post-Conflict Societies: Lessons from Cambodia."

Valerie Rosoux (Senior Fellow)
Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research | "Scope and Limits of Reconciliation as a Peace-Building Process."

Stein Tonnesson (Senior Fellow)
International Peace Research Institute- Oslo | "The East Asian Peace."

Zheng Wang (Senior Fellow)
Seton Hall University | "Introducing the Field of Conflict Resolution into China."

Robin Wright (Senior Fellow)
Journalist | "The Future of Islam."

2009 - 2010

Imtiaz Ali (Senior Fellow)
Independent Journalist | "Emergence of the Tribal Belt as a Fault Line in the War on Terror: The Growing Influence of Homegrown Pakistani Taliban and its Implication for Regional and Global Security."

Judith Asuni (Senior Fellow)
Johns Hopkins University | "Niger Delta 'Militants': Victims or Perpetrators? Conflict and Violence in the Niger Delta."

William Long (Senior Fellow)
George Institute of Technology | "Cross-border Health Cooperation in Zones of Conflict: Deriving Lessons for Improving Regional Stability and Global Security."

George Lopez (Senior Fellow)
Kroc Institute, University of Notre Dame | "Can Sanctions be Saved?"

Andries Odendaal (Senior Fellow)
Conflict Transformation Support Services | "Local Peacebuilding Forums: Methodological Considerations."

Sammy Smooha (Senior Fellow)
University of Haifa | "The Challenge of National Minorities to Ethnic Majority Hegemony: Comparative Study of Ethnic Democracies in Israel, Estonia, Slovakia, Macedonia, and Northern Ireland.”

Marc Sommers (Senior Fellow)
Tufts University | "Youth, Popular Culture and Terror Warfare: Insights from Sierra Leone."

Emmanuel Teitelbaum (Senior Fellow)
The George Washington University | "Putting Identity in Perspective: Economic Reform and Political Stability in the World's Largest Democracy."

Patricia Vasquez (Senior Fellow)
Energy Intelligence | "Untold Conflicts: Local Resistance to Oil and Gas Development in Latin America."

Andreas Wimmer (Senior Fellow)
University of California, Los Angeles | "Understanding Ethnic Conflict."

2008 - 2009

Tani Adams (Senior Fellow)
Founder, International Institute of Learning for Social Reconciliation| "San Martin Jilotepeque: Life and Reconstruction of Community 25 Years after Atrocity."

Charles Call (Senior Fellow)
Assistant Professor, School of International Service, American University | "Making Peace 'Stick': Civil Recurrence and How to Prevent it.”

Michael Gordon (Senior Fellow)
Chief Military Correspondent, New York Times | "American Military, Diplomatic and Political Efforts to Stabilize Iraq, 2006-2009."

Leonard Rubenstein (Senior Fellow)
Physicians for Human Rights | “Toward a New Human Rights/Humanitarian Law Framework on Health in Conflict.”

Robert Maguire (Senior Fellow)
Trinity University | “Resource Allocation for Stability and Development in Transitional Societies: Strategic Decision-Making in the Case of Haiti.”

Asieh Mir (Senior Fellow)
Independent Consultant | “Mapping the Minds, Charting the Course: A Qualitative Approach to the Democratic Movement in Iran.”

David Tolbert (Senior Fellow)
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia | "Can International Tribunals Make a Difference on the Ground? Lessons from the ICTY."

Keith David Watenpaugh (Senior Fellow)
University of California, Davis | "The Middle East and Human Rights: Mass Violence, Refugees, and the Making of Modern Humanitarianism."

2007- 2008

Mohammed Abu-Nimer (Senior Fellow)
Associate Professor, American University | "Lessons and Challenges in Evaluating Peace and Conflict Resolution Intervention Programs in Conflict Areas."

Nabil al-Tikriti (Senior Fellow)
Assistant Professor, University of Mary Washington | "Addressing Ethnic Conflict and Population Displacement in Iraq."

Avner Cohen (Senior Fellow)
Senior Research Scholar, Center for International Security Studies at Maryland, University of Maryland | "Addressing Iran's Nuclear Ambitions."

Thomas Grant (Senior Fellow)
Research Associate, University of Cambridge | "Chechnya in International Law: Sovereign Power and the Regulation of a Secessionist Conflict."

Ivan Sigal (Senior Fellow)
Regional Director, Internews Network | "Old Media, New Media and Media Assistance in Conflict Prone Settings."

Barbara Slavin (Senior Fellow)
Senior Diplomatic Reporter, USA Today | "Iran Rising: Iran and its Clients in the Middle East."

Elizabeth Thompson (Senior Fellow)
Associate Professor, University of Virginia | "Struggles for Justice in the Middle East."

Radwan Ziadeh (Senior Fellow)
Founder and Director, Damascus Center for Human Rights Studies | "Democratic Change in Syria."

2006 - 2007

Jaya Acharya (Senior Fellow )
Executive Chairman, Center for Democracy and Development | "Maoist Crisis in Nepal: Diplomatic Strategies for Resolution."

Anatoly Adamishin (Senior Fellow)
Former ambassador to the United Kingdom and Italy and USSR deputy foreign minister | "The USSR/US Dialogue on Human Rights, 1986–1990."

Hassan Barari (Senior Fellow)
Assistant Professor/Researcher Center for Strategic Studies, University of Jordan | "The Failure of Israeli Studies in the Arab World."

Betty Bigombe (Senior Fellow, 2006-08)
"The Challenge of Managing Mediation: The Northern Uganda Experience."

Gerald Gahima (Senior Fellow)
Legal Counsel, Dane Associates | "National Prosecutions of the Rwanda Genocide."

Michael Dobbs (Senior Fellow)
National Reporter, Washington Post | "One Minute to Midnight: A New Perspective on the Cuban Missile Crisis."

Søren Jessen-Petersen (Guest Scholar, 2006-08)
Former Special Representative of the Secretary General, Administrator Kosovo | "Thirty Years in the Humanitarian Frontlines."

Michael Johnson (Senior Fellow)
Registrar, Court of Bosnia & Herzegovina | "Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Model of Complementarity, Ten Years Late."

Montgomery McFate (Senior Fellow)
Research Staff Member, Institute for Defense Analysis | "National Security and Cultural Knowledge."

Joyce Neu (Senior Fellow)
Executive Director, Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice, University of San Diego | "Pursuing Justice During Armed Conflict: Facilitating or Obstructing Peace?"

Jennifer Schirmer (Senior Fellow)
Visiting Professor, Center for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo | "Skilling Armed Actors for Peace in Colombia."

Rotimi Suberu (Senior Fellow)
Senior Lecturer in Political Science, University of Ibadan, Nigeria | "Managing Nigeria's Federal Democracy."

Xinbo Wu (Senior Fellow)
Associate Dean and Professor, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University | "Managing Crisis and Sustaining Peace between China and the United States."

Takashi Yoshida (Senior Fellow)
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Western Michigan University | "Commemorating Colonialism: A Comparative Analysis of Postwar Japanese Peace Activism and Museums."

2005 - 2006

Dana Eyre (Senior Fellow)
Senior Advisor, USAID-Iraq | "Re-Inventing Iraq: Understanding Iraqi Society and the Evolution of Coalition Democratization."

Stephen Farry (Senior Fellow)
General Secretary, Alliance Party of Northern Ireland | "Inside Out: An Integrative Critique of the Northern Ireland Peace Process."

Phebe Marr (Senior Fellow)
Retired professor, National Defense University, University of Tennessee, Stanislaus State University | "Iraq's Emerging Political Leadership."

Abraham Sagi-Schwartz (Senior Fellow)
Professor and Director, Center for the Study of Child Development, University of Haifa | "Chronic Exposure to Catastrophic War Experiences and Political Violence: Links to the Well-being of Children and their Families."

Salman Haidar (Senior Fellow)
Ambassador (retired), India | "A Framework for South Asian Peace and Security.”

Pierre Hazan (Senior Fellow)
Visiting Fellow, Harvard Law School | "International Justice in the Post 9/11 Era."

Gorka Espiau Idoiaga (Senior Fellow)
Director and Spokesperson, Elkarri: The Movement for Dialogue in the Basque Region | "New Opportunities for Peace in the Basque Region and Spain: A Civil Society's Unique Contribution to Conflict Transformation."

Albaqir Mukhtar (Senior Fellow)
Regional Campaign Coordinator, Amnesty International | "The Cultural Roots of Human Rights Violations in Sudan: Identity and the Civil War."

Roxanne Myers (Senior Fellow)
Lecturer, University of Guyana | "Transforming Ethnopolitical Conflict in Guyana."

Babak Rahimi (Senior Fellow)
University of California, San Diego | "The Sistani Factor: The Relevance of Ayatollah Sistani to the Democratization of Post-Saddam Iraq."

Richard Schifter (Guest Scholar)
Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs | "The USSR/US Dialogue on Human Rights 1986-1990."

2004 - 2005

Zachary Abuza (Senior Fellow)
Department of Political Science, Simmons College | "The Future of the MILF: Internal Dynamics and the Implications for Terrorism and Security in Southeast Asia."

Benny Bacani (Senior Fellow)
College of Law, Notre Dame University, Philippines | "Autonomy and Peace: Lessons from Southern Philippines."

Daniel Chirot (Senior Fellow)
Professor of Sociology, University of Washington | "The Muslim/Christian Divide in West Africa: Can a Religious War be Prevented?"

Melvyn Leffler (Senior Fellow,)
Professor of History, University of Virginia | “Why the Cold War Lasted as Long as It Did.”

Touqir Hussain (Senior Fellow)
Ambassador (ret.), Pakistan | "Re-engagement with Pakistan: Issues for U.S. Foreign Policy."

Moshe Ma'oz (Senior Fellow)
Professor of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem | "Washington vs. Damascus: Quo Vadis?"

Phebe Marr (Senior Fellow)
Retired professor, National Defense University, University of Tennessee, Stanislaus State University | "Envisioning Iraq's Future: Developing an Alternative View.”

Anthony Regan (Senior Fellow)
Fellow, Australian National University | "Sustainable Conflict Resolution and Post-Agreement Peacebuilding in an Apparently Intractable Conflict: Lessons from the Bougainville (Papua New Guinea) Peace Process."

Jacob Shamir (Senior Fellow)
Senior Lecturer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem | "Public Opinion in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict."

Donald Steinberg (Senior Fellow)
Director, Joint Policy Council, Department of State | "Internally Displaced Persons: Caring for the Stepchildren of Conflict."

Praveen Swami (Senior Fellow)
Special Correspondent, Frontline Magazine, India | "Islam, Ethnicity and Nationalism: A History of Terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir."

2003 - 2004

Amatzia Baram (Senior Fellow)
Department of Middle Eastern History, University of Haifa | "State-Mosque Relations in Iraq, 1968-2003.”

Horacio Boneo (Senior Fellow)
Department of Government, Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Buenos Aires; formerly director of Electoral Assistance Division, UN Secretariat | "Monitoring Elections: A Critical Review."

Ceslav Ciobanu (Senior Fellow)
Senior Research Scholar, James Madison University; former Moldovan Ambassador to the United States | "'Frozen and Forgotten' Conflicts in Post-Soviet States: Anatomy and Prospect for Resolution (Transnistria, Abkhazia, Nagorno Karabakh)."

Albert Cevallos (Senior Fellow)
U.S. Agency for International Development | "Steal This Revolution: Nonviolent Revolution and the Transition to Democracy in Serbia."

Mamoun Fandy (Senior Fellow)
Independent Scholar; formerly Professor of Middle East and South Asian Politics, National Defense University | "The Crisis of Education in the Muslim World."
Roy Gutman (Senior Fellow)
Diplomatic Correspondent, Newsweek | "International Humanitarian Law and the Media: The Case of Afghanistan."

Wajahat Habibullah (Senior Fellow)
Director, Government of India's National Academy of Administration | "Kashmir: The Problem and its Resolution."

Faleh A. Jabar (Senior Fellow)
Research Fellow, Birkbeck College, University of London | "The Day After: Prospects for Post-Ba'ath Democratization in Iraq."

Yo'av Karny (Senior Fellow)
Independent Journalist and Author, Highlanders: A Journey to the Caucasus in Quest of Memory | "Violence and Non-Violence in Independence Struggles: East Timor, Chechnya, Palestine."

Philip Mattar (Guest Scholar)
President, Palestinian American Research Center | "Palestinian Missed Opportunities."

Jill Shankleman (Senior Fellow)
Director, J. Shankleman Limited, Oxford | "Does Business Have a Role in Peacemaking."

Rosalind Shaw (Senior Fellow)
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Tufts University | "Remembering to Forget: Rituals of Healing and the Work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Sierra Leone."

Gabriel Weimann (Senior Fellow)
Department of Communication, University of Haifa | "Terror on the Internet: The New Arena, the New Challenges."

Oren Yiftachel (Senior Fellow)
Department of Geography, Ben Gurion University | "Spatial Policies and Political (in)Stability: Comparing 'Ethnocratic' Regimes."

2002 - 2003

Major General Dipankar Banerjee (Indian Army, ret.) (Senior Fellow)
Executive Director, Centre for Strategic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka | "Countering Internal Conflict: Lessons from the Indian Army's Experience."

Marie Breen-Smyth (Senior Fellow)
Chief Executive, Institute for Conflict Research, Northern Ireland | "The Political and Martial Role of Youth in Violently Divided Societies and the Implications for Peace Processes."
Francis Deng (Senior Fellow)
Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General on Internally Displaced Persons | "Dilemmas of Self-Determination: A Challenge to African Constitutionalism."

Vivien Hart, deceased. (Senior Fellow)
Professor of English and American Studies, University of Sussex | "Making Constitutions, Seeking Peace."

Michael Hartmann (Senior Fellow)
International Public Prosecutor, United Nations Mission in Kosovo | "International Prosecutors and Judges in Post-Conflict Societies."

Ray Jennings (Senior Fellow)
Former Senior Field Advisor, Office of Transition Initiatives, U.S. Agency for International Development | "Participatory Community Revitalization Projects and Conflict Management."

Philip Mattar (Senior Fellow) Guest Scholar 2003-04)
President, Palestinian American Research Center | "Palestinian Missed Opportunities."

Masipula Sithole, deceased. (Senior Fellow)
Professor of Political and Administrative Studies, University of Zimbabwe | "Risk Taking in Zimbabwe: The Impact of Mugabe's Policies in Southern Africa."

Jonathan Tucker (Senior Fellow)
Director, CBW Nonproliferation Program, Monterey Institute | "Biosecurity: The Nexus of Public Health and International Security."

2001 - 2002

Charles Call (Guest Scholar)
Assistant Professor, School of International Service, American University | "Constructing Justice and Security after War."

Jacob Bercovitch, deceased. (Senior Fellow)
Professor of Political Science, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand | "Evaluating Interventions in Protracted Conflicts."

Ruth Firer (Senior Fellow)
Director of Peace Education Projects, Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, Hebrew University of Jerusalem | "To Learn to Live Together: An Israeli-Palestinian Educational Joint Project."

In-Taek Hyun (Guest Scholar)
Associate Professor of Political Science, Korea University | "Regional Security and the Korean Peninsula."

Richard Joseph (Senior Fellow)
Reagan-Fascell Senior Fellow, National Endowment for Democracy | "Political Renewal and Political Violence in Africa, 1989-2001."

Michael J. Matheson (Senior Fellow)
Visiting Professor of Law, George Washington University, formerly principal deputy legal advisor, U.S. Department of State | "Armed Conflict and International Law in the Post-Cold War Period."

David H. P. Maybury-Lewis, deceased. (Senior Fellow) Professor of Anthropology, Harvard University | "The New World Dilemma: Indigenous Peoples and the State of the Americas."

Brenda Pearson (Senior Fellow)
Formerly senior political analyst with the International Crisis Group | "Bridging the Gap between Ethnic Albanians and Macedonians."

Yoram Peri (Senior Fellow)
Professor of Communication, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem | "The Israeli Military and the Peace Process."

Robert Perito (Senior Fellow)
Former Deputy Director, International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP), U.S. Department of Justice | "The American Experience with Policing Peace.”

Dana Priest (Guest Scholar)
The Washington Post | "Civil-Military Relations in the Formulation and Execution of American Foreign Policy."

Amina Rasul-Bernardo (Senior Fellow)
Research Fellow, Sycip Policy Center (Manila) | "Autonomy or Federalism: Self-Rule for Philippine Muslims."

The Hon. Bill Richardson (Senior Fellow)
Kissinger McLarty Associates | "Energy Dimensions of U.S. Relations with North Korea."

David Scheffer (Senior Fellow)
Senior Vice President, United Nations Association of the USA; and former U.S. Ambassador at Large for War Crimes | "U.S. Engagement in the Development of International Criminal Tribunals and in Responding to Atrocities."

Eric Schwartz (Senior Fellow)
Visiting Lecturer, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University | "Policy Responses to Complex Humanitarian Crises: An Interdisciplinary and Integrated Approach."

Hazel Smith (Senior Fellow)
Reader in International Relations, University of Warwick (UK) | "The Contribution of International Assistance to Peaceful Social and Economic Transformation in the DPRK."

Ruth Wedgwood (Guest Scholar)
Professor, Yale Law School | "Unilateralism and the Use of Force."

Lawrence Wittner (Senior Fellow)
Professor of History, State University of New York at Albany | "World Nuclear Disarmament Efforts Since 1971 and Their Policy Implications."

2000 - 2001

Jean-Marc Coicaud (Senior Fellow)
Senior Academic Officer, United Nations University, Tokyo | "Multilateralism and Superpower: Dilemmas of International Democratic Culture."

Sonja Biserko (Senior Fellow)
Head of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia | "Serbia vs. Yugoslavia: An Inside View of the Yugoslav Crisis."

Richard Christenson (Senior Fellow)
DCM, United States Embassy, Tokyo | "Security and Peace in Northeast Asia."

Graham Day (Senior Fellow)
Formerly District Administrator, Oecussi District, United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) | "Policekeeping: Law and Order in Failed and Emerging States."

Shmuel Eisenstadt (Senior Fellow)
Rose Isaacs Professor Emeritus of Sociology, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem | "The Middle East Peace Process and the Transformation of the State."

Neil Hicks (Senior Fellow)
Senior Program Coordinator (Middle East), Lawyers Committee for Human Rights | "The Crisis of Human Rights Implementation in the Middle East and North Africa."

Chong Whi Kim (Senior Fellow)
Former National Security Advisor to the President of the Republic of Korea | "Policy Options for the Republic of Korea and the United States toward North Korea and the Unification of Korea."

Julie Mertus (Senior Fellow)
Assistant Professor, School of International Service, American University | "The Imprint of Kosovo on International Law: Coercive Diplomacy, Humanitarian Intervention, and Secession."

Violeta Petroska-Beska (Senior Fellow)
Professor of Psychology, University of Saints. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia | "Education for Interculturalism: Learning to Live Together in a Multicultural Society."

Henryk Sokalski (Senior Fellow)
Former Assistant Secretary General, United Nations | "UNPREDEP in Macedonia: A Blueprint for Early Conflict Prevention."

1999 - 2000

Daniel Benjamin (Senior Fellow)
Senior Associate, International Security Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies | "U.S. Responses to Genocide.”

Tone Bringa (Guest Scholar)
Associate Professor of Social Anthropology, University of London | "Post-War Reintegration in the Balkans."

Keith Brown (Senior Fellow)
Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University | "Accommodating Identities in Macedonia: Lessons for Conflict Resolution in Multiethnic Societies."

Daniel Brumberg (Senior Fellow)
Department of Government, Georgetown University | "Reclaiming the Agenda: A Comparative Study of Power Sharing in Divided Societies."

Cengiz Candar(Senior Fellow)
Columnist, Sabah, Istanbul | "Toward Democracy with Islam: Turkey in the 21st Century."

Stojan Cerovic, deceased. (Senior Fellow)
Columnist, Vreme, Belgrade | "Yugoslavia after the Kosovo Conflict."

Carol Giacomo (Senior Fellow)
Diplomatic Correspondent, Reuters | "Economic Strategy in U.S. Foreign Policy."

Kemal Kurspahic (Senior Fellow)
Spokesman, U.N. Office for Drug Control & Crime Prevention (Vienna Int'l Centre) | "Voices of Hatred, Voices of Tolerance: The Media in Bosnian Conflict and Reconciliation."

Tony Coady (Senior Fellow)
Center for Philosophy and Public Issues, University of Melbourne | "The Ethics of Military Intervention."

Gerard Conac (Guest Scholar)
Director, Center for Political and Legal Studies of the African World, University of Paris. | “Constitutionalism and Peace.”

Bruce W. Jentleson (Senior Fellow)
Professor of Political Science, University of California, Davis | "The United States and the Politics and Strategy of Post-Cold War Peace Operations."

Princeton Lyman (Senior Fellow)
Executive Director, Global Interdependence Initiative, the Aspen Institute, Washington, DC. | "The United States' Role in South Africa's Transition to Democracy."

Bernard Lynch (Senior Fellow)
Department of Foreign Affairs, Australia | "The United States and Iran: Exploring New Approaches to Relations."

Ahmad Moussalli (Senior Fellow)
Department of Political Studies, American University of Beirut | "Individual Liberty, Civil Society and Limited Government in Popular Islam vs. the Authoritarianism of the Islamic State."

Oyeleye Oyediran (Senior Fellow)
Department of Political Science, University of Lagos | "Democracy vs. Military Authoritarianism in Nigeria."

Arjuna Parakrama (Senior Fellow)
Co-Director of the Centre for Policy Alternatives and Senior Lecturer at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka | "Resisting the Crossfire: The Dual Identity of Border Village Communities in Sri Lanka's Ethnic War."

Elaine Sciolino (Senior Fellow)
Senior Foreign Affairs Correspondent, The New York Times | "The Iranian Revolution After Twenty Years."

Tamara Sivertseva (Senior Fellow)
Visiting Fellow, The Kroc Institute, Notre Dame University | "The Quest for National Identity in the North Caucasus."

1998 - 1999

Jeremy Gunn (Executive Fellow)
Director of Research, U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom | "Rights of Religion and Belief: A Proposed International Standard."

John Darby, deceased. (Senior Fellow)
Research Fellow, the Kroc Institute, University of Notre Dame; Senior Research Fellow, INCORE, University of Ulster | "From Violence to Agreement in Ethnic Conflicts."

John Harbeson (Senior Fellow)
Department of Political Science, City University of New York | "Peaceful Conflict Resolution in New Democracies."

P. Terrence Hopmann (Senior Fellow)
Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University | "Building a Security Community in Europe: The Role of the OSCE."

Ildus Ilishev (Senior Fellow)
Senior Research Fellow, Institute of History, Language, and Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences (Ufa Branch) | "Language Conflict as a Source for Ethnic Violence and Political Dominance."

Moo-Hong Moon (Guest Scholar)
Department of National Unification, Republic of Korea | “The Ramifications of Reunification on the Korean Peninsula.”

Andrew Natsios (Senior Fellow)
Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development | "The Great North Korean Famine: Famine, Politics, and Foreign Policy."

Andrew Pierre (Senior Fellow)
Adjunct Professor, School of Foreign Service and Senior Associate, Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, Georgetown University | "NATO’s Enlargement Beyond the Visegrad Three."

William Schabas (Senior Fellow)
Director, Irish Centre for Human Rights, National University of Ireland | "The Law of Genocide."

Daniel Serwer (Senior Fellow)
U.S. Institute of Peace | "Regional Security in the Balkans."

Dorothy Shea (Guest Scholar)
Foreign Service Officer, U.S. Department of State | "The South African Truth Commission: The Politics of Reconciliation."

Gadi Wolfsfeld (Senior Fellow)
Department of Communication, Hebrew University of Jerusalem | "Mobilizing the News Media for Peace."

1997 - 1998

Paul Arthur (Senior Fellow)
Department of Politics, University of Ulster | "Track One and Track Two Diplomacy Initiatives in Northern Ireland."

Joel Barkan (Senior Fellow)
Department of Political Science, University of Iowa | "Early Elections in Transitional Politics.”

Amatzia Baram (Senior Fellow)
Department of Middle Eastern History, University of Haifa | "Iraq of the Ba'ath, 1968-1996: Domestic Strife and Regional Conflict.”

Avner Cohen (Senior Fellow)
Senior Research Scholar, Center for International Security Studies at Maryland, University of Maryland | "Nuclear Arms Control in the Middle East: Problems and Prospects.”
Sujit Dutta (Senior Fellow)
Senior Fellow, Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis, New Delhi | "The Challenge of Conflict Resolution in Indo-Chinese Relations."

Michael Foley (Senior Fellow)
Department of Politics, Catholic University of America | "The Betrayal of Rural Mexico: Peasant Organization, Failed Development and Rebellion."

George Irani (Senior Fellow)
Program in Conflict Analysis and Management, Royal Roads University, Victoria, British Columbia | "Peace-Building in Lebanon: A Manual for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation."

Heinrich Klebes (Senior Fellow)
International Institute for Democracy, Strasbourg | "The Quest for Democratic Security in Europe."

Nan Li (Senior Fellow)
Department of Government, Dartmouth College | "The Military and National Identity in China."

John Menzies (Senior Fellow)
Former Ambassador of the United States to Bosnia | "The Dayton Peace Agreement and Balkan Regional Stability."

Ruzica Rosandic (Senior Fellow)
Department of Psychology, University of Belgrade | "The Goodwill Classroom: Conflict Resolution and Human Rights Training in Educational Policy."

Ehud Sprinzak, deceased. (Senior Fellow)
Formerly Dean, Lauder School of Government, the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, Israel | "The Dynamics of Political Terrorism: Toward an Evolutionary Theory."

John Wallach, deceased. (Senior Fellow)
Formerly Seeds of Peace | "The Enemy Has a Face: The Seeds of Peace Experience."

Idith Zertal (Senior Fellow)
The Hebrew University in Jerusalem | "The Memory of the Holocaust and the Arab-Israeli Conflict."

Igor Zevelev (Senior Fellow)
Professor of Russian Studies, College of International and Security Studies, The George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies | "Russia and Its New Diasporas."

1996 - 1997

Kevin Avruch (Senior Fellow)
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, George Mason University | "Culture and Conflict Resolution."

Harley D. Balzer (Senior Fellow)
Department of Government, Georgetown University | "The Middle Class and Prospects for Democracy in Russia."

Jian Chen (Senior Fellow)
Department of History, Southern Illinois University | "Revolution and Power: Mao's China Encounters the World."

Raymond Cohen (Senior Fellow)
Senior Lecturer, Hebrew University, Israel| "Negotiating Across Cultures: International Communication in an Interdependent World."

Georgi M. Derluguian (Senior Fellow)
Department of Sociology, Northwestern University | "Sources of the Chechen Conflict."

Dusko Doder (Senior Fellow)
Former Moscow Correspondent, the Washington Post | "Reconstructing the Balkans after Yugoslavia's Dissolution and Civil War."

Iain Guest (Senior Fellow)
Visiting Fellow, Overseas Development Council | "Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Bosnia in Comparative Perspective."

Christian Hacke (Senior Fellow)
University of Bonn | "The Impact of U.S. Foreign Policy on the Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe."

Paul J. Hare (Senior Fellow)
Former U.S. Special Envoy to Angola | "Angola's Last Best Chance for Peace: An Insider's Account of the Peace Process."

Ephraim Kleiman (Senior Fellow)
Professor of Economics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem | "Economic Integration and Political Separation: Israel, Jordan and the Palestinians.

Chan Bong Park (Guest Scholar)
Ministry of National Reconciliation, Republic of Korea | "Transitional Justice and Korean Unification."

Gramoz Pashko, deceased. (Senior Fellow)
Economist; formerly Deputy Prime Minister of Albania | "Albanians and Balkan Security."

John Prendergast (Executive Fellow)
Co-Director of the Africa Program, International Crisis Group, Washington, D.C. | "Managing Conflict in the Horn of Africa."

Beth A. Simmons (Senior Fellow)
Department of Political Science, University of California at Berkeley | "Compliance Without Enforcement: The Rule of Law in International Relations."

Anara Tabyshalieva (Senior Fellow)
Director, Institute for Regional Studies, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic | "Kyrgyzstan: The Way to Ethnic and Religious Peace."

Marvin Weinbaum (Senior Fellow)
Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Science, University of Illinois | "Markets and Democracy in the Muslim Polity."

David S. Yost (Senior Fellow)
Department of National Security Affairs, Naval Postgraduate School | "NATO Transformed: The Alliance's New Roles in International Security."

1995 - 1996

Tahseen Basheer, deceased. (Senior Fellow)
Formerly National Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Cairo | "Developing a Constituency for Peace: Egypt's Peace Strategy, 1973-1980."

Adnan Abu Odeh (Senior Fellow)
Former Permanent Representative of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the United Nations | "Jordanians, Palestinians, and the Hashemite Kingdom in the Middle East Peace Process."

Hussein M. Adam (Senior Fellow)
Department of Political Science, College of the Holy Cross | "Rethinking the Somali Political Experience."

Tozun Bahcheli (Senior Fellow)
Professor of Political Science, King's College, University of Western Ontario | "Greek-Turkish Relations in the Mediterranean and the Balkans."

Qimao Chen (Senior Fellow)
Senior Fellow, Shanghai Institute for International Studies | "The Potential for Crisis in the Taiwan Straits and Its International Implications."

Theodore Couloumbis (Senior Fellow)
Professor of International Relations, University of Athens | "Greek-Turkish Relations in the Mediterranean and the Balkans." Publications: "Greek-Turkish Relations & U.S. Foreign Policy: Cyprus, the Aegean, and Regional Stability."

Lori Fisler Damrosch (Senior Fellow)
Professor of International Law and Organization, Columbia University | "How Constitutional Democracies Decide between War and Peace."

Glenn Fisher, deceased. (Guest Scholar)
Monterey Institute | "The Mindsets of Ethnic Conflict."

Wendy Hunter (Senior Fellow)
Department of Political Science, Vanderbilt University | "In Search of a Mission: Latin American Militaries after the Cold War."

Hajime Izumi (Guest Scholar)
University of Shizuboa | "Applying Collective Problem Solving to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict."

Anatol Lieven (Senior Fellow)
Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, The Times (London) | "Ukraine and Russia: A Fraternal Rivalry."
Ronald Linden (Senior Fellow)
Professor of Political Science and Director, Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Pittsburgh | "The Price of Eastern Europe's Attempt to Join Europe."

Robert S. Litwak (Executive Fellow)
Director of International Studies, Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars | "U.S. Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era: Strategies toward ‘Rogue’ States."

Gwendolyn Mikell (Senior Fellow)
Professor of Sociology, Georgetown University | "Gender and Peacebuilding During African Political Transitions."

Erwin Schmidl (Senior Fellow)
Head of Research, Austrian Institute for Military Studies | "The Role of Small and Neutral Countries in Peace Operations."

1994 - 1995

Denis Dragounski (Senior Fellow)
Postfactum News Agency, Moscow | "Multiethnic Russia and the Problem of Democratization."

Rena Fonseca (Senior Fellow)
Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University | "The Crisis of National Identity in India."

Chas Freeman (Senior Fellow)
Chairman, Project International Associates; formerly U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia | "Arts of Power: Statecraft and Diplomacy."

Shlomo Gazit (Senior Fellow)
Jaffee Center, Tel Aviv University | "Israeli Policy in the Occupied Territories from the Six Day War to the Intifada."

Cameron Hume (Guest Scholar)
Minister-Counselor, U.S. Mission to the U.N., and former U.S. Representative to Mozambiquan Peace Talks | "Ending Mozambique's War: The Role of Mediation and Good Offices."

Davlat Khudonazarov (Senior Fellow)
Filmmaker and Human Rights Activist, Tajikistan | "Resolving Civil Conflict in Tajikistan."

Brook Larmer (Senior Fellow)
Foreign Correspondent, Newsweek. | "Revolutions without Guns: The Power and Pitfalls of Nonviolent Action.”

Jack Maresca (Guest Scholar)
President, Business Humanitarian Forum Association; former U.S. Ambassador to OSCE | "War in the Caucasus: A Proposal for Settlement of the Conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh."

Susan Collin Marks (Senior Fellow)
Executive Vice President, Search for Common Ground, Washington, DC. | "Watching the Wind: Conflict Resolution During South Africa's Transition to Democracy."

Denis McLean (Distinguished Fellow)
Former Ambassador of New Zealand to the United States | "Peacekeeping Operations."

Vesna Pesic (Senior Fellow)
Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to Mexico | "Preparing the Ground for War in Serbia, 1987-1992."

Donald Rothchild, deceased. (Senior Fellow)
Department of Political Science, University of California, Davis | "Pressures and Incentives for Cooperation: The Management of Ethnic and Regional Conflicts in Africa."

Mostafa-Elwi Saif (Senior Fellow)
Department of Political Science, Cairo University | "Changing Arab Perceptions of Regional Security."

Jerrold L. Schechter (Senior Fellow)
Chairman, Schechter Communications Corp | "Russian Negotiating Behavior: Continuity and Transition."

Warren Strobel (Senior Fellow)
State Department Correspondent, The Washington Times | "Late-Breaking Foreign Policy: The News Media's Influence on Peace Operations."

1993 - 1994

Shaul Bakhash (Peace Fellow)
Robinson Professor of History, George Mason University | "Islam and the Transformation of Political Sensibility in Iran."

Joyce Davis (Peace Fellow)
Deputy Foreign Editor, Knight Ridder Newspapers | "Finding Common Ground between the Western and Islamic Worlds."

Peter Gastrow (Visiting Peace Fellow)
Institute for Security Studies, South Africa | "Bargaining for Peace: South Africa and the National Peace Accord."
Fen Osler Hampson (Peace Fellow)
Professor, Paterson School of International Affairs, Carleton University, Ottawa | "Nurturing Peace: Why Peace Settlements Succeed or Fail."

Norma Kriger (Peace Fellow)
Visiting Professor, Goucher College, Baltimore | "Demobilizing and Reintegrating War Veterans in Zimbabwe."

Yang Lee (Peace Fellow)
Former Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea | "Peacebuilding on the Korean Peninsula."

Peter Reddaway (Distinguished Fellow)
Professor of Political Science, George Washington University | "The Tragedy of Russia's Reforms: Market Bolshevism against Democracy."

Abdul Sattar (Distinguished Fellow)
Foreign Minister, Islamic Republic of Pakistan | "The Imperatives of Peace in South Asia."

Galina Starovoitova, deceased. (Peace Fellow)
Formerly Member, People's Congress of Deputies, Russian Federation | "Promoting International Cooperation for the Peaceful Resolution of Ethnic Conflicts."

Rotimi Suberu (Peace Fellow)
Senior Lecturer in Political Science, University of Ibadan, Nigeria | "Federalism and Ethnic Conflict in Nigeria."

Anne Thurston (Peace Fellow)
School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University | "Popular Attitudes toward and Dilemmas of Democratization in China."

Saadia Touval, deceased. (Peace Fellow)
School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University | "State vs. International Mediation: Lessons from Somalia and Yugoslavia."

Hendrick van der Merwe, deceased. (Peace Fellow)
Formerly Senior Consultant, Center for Intergroup Studies, South Africa | "Restitution and the Pursuit of Justice and Peace in the New South Africa."

1992 - 1993

Leon Aron (Peace Fellow)
Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute | "The Emergence of Russian Foreign Policy."

Mordechai Bar-On (Peace Fellow)
Co-founder, 'Peace Now.' | "In Pursuit of Peace: A History of the Israeli Peace Movement."

Nina Belyaeva (Visiting Fellow)
President, Interlegal Research Center, Moscow | "Constitutional, Legislative and Legal Foundations of Independent Political Organizations, Citizen Advocacy Groups and Democracy in the New Russia."

Pierre Du Toit (Peace Fellow)
Department of Political Science, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa | "State Building and Democracy in Southern Africa."

James George, deceased. (Peace Fellow)
Formerly staff member, House Committee on Government Operations; former Assistant Director, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. | "The History and Politics of Multilateral Arms Control Agreements."

Nancie Gonzalez (Peace Fellow)
Professor Emerita of Anthropology, University of Maryland at College Park | "Political and Economic Dimensions of Ethnic Identity and Minority Conflict in Latin America and the Middle East."

James Goodby (Distinguished Fellow)
Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies, the Brookings Institution | "Europe Undivided: The New Logic of Peace in U.S.-Russian Relations."

Vladimir Ivanov (Peace Fellow)
Senior Researcher, Economic Research Institute of Northeast Asia, Niigata, Japan | "The Prospects for Peace and Conflict in the Western Pacific and Northeast Asia in the Post-Communist Era."

Nancy Lubin (Peace Fellow)
President, JNA Associates | "Ethnic Conflict, Economic Development, and Environmental Change in Uzbekistan and Other Former Soviet Central Asian Republics."

Raja Mohan (Peace Fellow)
Research Associate, Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, India | "Security Issues between India and Pakistan: Prospects for Confidence Building Measures and Force Reduction."
Satya Nandan (Visiting Distinguished Fellow)
Former Under Secretary-General of the United Nations for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea; former Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Government of Fiji | "The Role of Mediators in Complex International Negotiations."

Mohamed Sahnoun (Visiting Distinguished Fellow)
Formerly U.N. Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia | "Somalia: The Missed Opportunities."

Paul Schroeder (Peace Fellow)
Professor Emeritus of History, University of Illinois | "The Development of International Conflict Management Processes, from the 17th Century to the Present."

Bereket Habte Selassie (Distinguished Fellow)
Professor of African and Afro-American Studies, University of North Carolina | "Promoting Peace and Stability in the Horn of Africa through Regional Integration and Economic Cooperation."

Robert Strausz-Hupé, deceased. (Distinguished Fellow)
President Emeritus, Foreign Policy Research Institute | "De Tocqueville's Concept of Democracy and Today's Emerging Democratic Societies."

Elizabeth Teague (Peace Fellow)
Senior Analyst, the Jamestown Foundation | "Conflict Among Nationalities and Ethnic Minorities in the Former Soviet Union."

William Zartman (Visiting Distinguished Fellow)
Jacob Blaustein Professor of International Organizations and Conflict Resolution and Director of Conflict Management, School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University | "Fairness and Justice in International Negotiations Dealing with Environmental Conflict and Political Terrorism."

1991 - 1992

Arun Elhance (Peace Fellow)
Senior Fellow, International Peace Academy | "Hydropolitics in the Third World: Conflict and Cooperation in International River Basins."

Muhammed Faour (Peace Fellow)
Department of Sociology, American University of Beirut | "The Arab World After Desert Storm." Publications: “The Arab World After Desert Storm.” (U.S. Institute of Peace Press, 1993)

Mohamed Khalil (Peace Fellow)
Former Speaker of the Sudanese Constituent Assembly, Minister of Justice, and Dean of the Faculty of Law at Khartoum University | "Islamic Law and Society and Contemporary International Legal Norms."

Georgiy Mirsky (Visiting Fellow)
Professor and Senior Research Fellow, Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO), Moscow | "Changes in Soviet Foreign Relations and Prospects for International Peace."

Don Peretz, deceased. (Visiting Fellow)
Professor Emeritus of Political Science, State University of New York at Binghamton | "Palestinians, Refugees, and the Middle East Peace Process."

Thomas Imobighe (Peace Fellow)
Formerly Commissioner, National Boundary Commission of Nigeria | "Regional Organizations and International Conflict Management in the Third World."

Robert Rothstein (Peace Fellow)
Harvey Picker Distinguished Professor of International Relations, Colgate University | "Why Emerging Democracies in the Developing World Thrive or Falter."

Shimon Shamir (Distinguished Fellow)
Professor of Middle Eastern History, Tel Aviv University, and former Israeli Ambassador to Egypt | "People-to-People Contacts and Arab-Israeli Reconciliation."

Mihaly Simai (Peace Fellow)
Director, Institute for World Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest | "The Future of Global Governance: Managing Risk and Change in the International System."

Louis B. Sohn (Distinguished Fellow)
Woodruff Professor of International Law, University of Georgia | "Judicial and Other Instruments in the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes."

Francisco Villagran de Leon (Peace Fellow)
Ambassador of the Republic of Guatemala to Canada | "Strengthening the Organization of American States to Promote Peace and Security in the Western Hemisphere.”

1990 - 1991

Alexander George, deceased. (Distinguished Fellow, 1990-92)
Professor Emeritus of International Relations, Stanford University | "Bridging the Gap: Theory and Practice in Foreign Policy."

Mark Hoffman (Peace Fellow)
Lecturer in International Relations, London School of Economics, and Director, Centre for the Analysis of Conflict, University of Kent | "How Third-Party Mediation Can Help Solve Conflicts in the Developing World."

Ruth Lapidoth (Peace Fellow)
Professor of Law, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem | "Autonomy: Flexible Solutions to Ethnic Conflicts."

Yuri Maltsev (Peace Fellow)
Department of Economics, Carthage College | "Easing the Trauma of the Soviet Union's Transition to a Market-Based Economy."

Cynthia McClintock (Peace Fellow)
Professor of Political Science, George Washington University | "Revolutionary Movements in Latin America: El Salvador's FMLN and Peru's Shining Path."

Vernon Mendis, deceased. (Peace Fellow)
Former Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations | "How the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Can Assist with Conflict Management in the Region."

John Menzies (Peace Fellow)
Former Ambassador of the United States to Bosnia | "The Dayton Peace Agreement and Balkan Regional Stability."

Mancur Olson, deceased. (Distinguished Fellow)
Formerly Professor of Economics, University of Maryland | "The Causes of International Conflict and Cooperation."

Indar Rikhye, deceased. (Visiting Distinguished Fellow)
Founder and President, International Peace Academy | "Making UN Peacekeeping More Effective."

Eugene Rostow, deceased. (Distinguished Fellow, 1990-92)
Formerly Dean, School of Law, Yale University; Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs; and Director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency | "Aggression and Self-Defense."

Vadim Udalov (Visiting Fellow)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Russian Federation | "Natural Interest in International Politics: The Case of Soviet-U.S. Relations in the Post-Cold War Era.”

John Zhao (Peace Fellow)
School of International Service, American University | "China's Foreign Policy and Its Implications for the Future."

Charles Glaser (Peace Fellow)
Harris Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Chicago | "Arms Races and the Probability of War."

Chester Crocker (Distinguished Fellow)
Schlesinger Professor of Strategic Studies, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University; Chair, U.S. Institute of Peace Board of Directors | "The U.S. Role in Peacemaking in Southwestern Africa."

Hurst Hannum (Peace Fellow)
Associate Professor, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University | "The Right to Self-Determination and its Role in Ethnic and Religious Conflicts."

Mark Katz (Peace Fellow)
Professor of Government and Politics, George Mason University | "Soviet-American Conflict Resolution in the Third World."

Herbert Kelman (Distinguished Fellow)
Center for International Affairs, Harvard University | "Applying Collective Problem Solving to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict."

Jamsheed Marker (Distinguished Fellow)
Diplomat in Residence, Eckerd College | "The Negotiations Leading to the Geneva Agreement on the Withdrawal of Soviet Forces from Afghanistan."

David H. P. Maybury-Lewis, deceased. (Distinguished Fellow)
Professor of Anthropology, Harvard University | "Ethnicity in the Americas: The Indian Question"

Herman Nickel (Distinguished Fellow)
Former U.S. Ambassador to South Africa | "Political Conflict, Economic Interdependence, and Peace in Southern Africa."

Barnett Rubin (Peace Fellow)
Director of Studies, Center of International Cooperation, New York University | "Afghanistan Since the Soviet Withdrawal: International Aid, Reconstruction, and Civil Conflict."

Eugene Shirley (Peace Fellow, 1989-91)
President, Pacem Productions Inc., Los Angeles | "A Comparative and Historical Analysis of Communist States and Parties Since the Bolshevik Revolution."

Milan Svec (Peace Fellow, 1989-91)
Former Czech diplomat | "Gorbachev's Domestic and Foreign Policy Reforms and Soviet-U.S. Relations."

Ibrahim Wani (Peace Fellow)
Africa Center for Strategic Studies | "International Adjudication and Other Alternative Modes for Managing International Conflict."

Walter Wink (Peace Fellow)
Professor of Biblical Interpretation, Auburn Theological Seminary | "The Effectiveness of Nonviolent Strategies for Social Change, and the Biblical Roots of a Nonviolent Philosophy."

1988 - 1989

Bruce Berlin (Peace Fellow)
Founder and Executive Director of the Trinity Forum for International Security and Conflict Resolution, Santa Fe, New Mexico | "Lessons on Conflict Resolution from the Central American Peace Process."

John Burton (Distinguished Fellow)
Former Secretary of the Department of External Affairs of Australia | "Insights from the Field of Conflict Resolution."

Raymond Cohen (Peace Fellow)
Senior Lecturer, Hebrew University, Israel| "Negotiating Across Cultures: International Communication in an Interdependent World."

Lily Gardner Feldman (Peace Fellow)
Senior Scholar in Residence, Center for German and European Studies, Georgetown University | "From Enmity to Friendship: Germany's Postwar Reconciliation with Israel, France and the United States."

Ted Robert Gurr (Peace Fellow)
Distinguished University Professor, Department of Government and Politics, Center for International Development and Conflict University of Maryland | "Minorities at Risk: A Global View of Ethnopolitical Conflicts."

Paul Kimmel (Peace Fellow)
Private Consultant, Los Angeles | "Overcoming Cultural Barriers in International Negotiations."

John Reinhardt (Distinguished Fellow)
Former U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria, and Director of the U.S. Information Agency | "How Governmental Communication with Foreign Publics Can Help Reduce International Tension and Conflict."

Robin Ranger (Peace Fellow, 1988-90)
Arms Control Analyst, Washington, D.C. | "Ensuring Compliance with START and Other Proposed Arms Control Agreements."

Goshu Wolde (Peace Fellow, 1988-90)
Former Foreign Minister of Ethiopia | "Regional Efforts to Reduce Conflicts and Increase Cooperation in the Horn of Africa."

1987 - 1988

Francis Deng (Distinguished Fellow)
Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General on Internally Displaced Persons | "Crises of Identity and the Prospects for Peace and Unity in the Sudan."

Rosalyn Higgins (Distinguished Fellow)
Judge, International Court of Justice | "The U.N.'s New Role and Recent Accomplishments."

David Little (Distinguished Fellow, 1987-89)
Professor of Religion, Ethnicity and International Conflict, Harvard Divinity School | "The Legal and Moral Dilemmas of Safeguarding Human Rights During Armed Conflict."

Bradford Morse, deceased. (Distinguished Fellow)
Former Member of the U.S. House of Representatives and Under Secretary General of the UN | "The Relationship of Economic Development to International Peace."

Myres McDougal, deceased. (Distinguished Fellow, 1987-89)
Sterling Professor Emeritus of Law, Yale University | "The Relationship between International Law and Interdependencies in the World Community."

Paul Seabury, deceased. (Distinguished Fellow)
Professor of Political Science, University of California at Berkeley | "Soviet Proxy Governments and the Promotion of Low-Intensity Warfare."

Max van der Stoel, deceased. (Distinguished Fellow, 1987-89)
Former High Commissioner on National Minorities, Organization for Cooperation and Security in Europe | "Prospects for the U.S.-European Alliance to Promote International Peace."