Juanes: Building Peace through Music Transcript

Marvin Kalb: Peacebuilding involves governments, militaries, and non-governmental organizations. But it also requires public support. Everyday people can demand an end to violence and encourage offici

George Mitchell Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan for Witness Video: "George Mitchell: Building Peace in Northern Ireland" Age: 11 and above (U.S. middle school grade 6 and above) George Mitchell Lesson Plan PDF (Video)

George Mitchell Transcript

Marvin Kalb: Americans from all walks of life, from inside and outside the government, play important roles as peacebuilders. American diplomats have helped to create peace agreements that have ended

Betty Bigombe Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan for Witness Video: "Betty Bigombe: Building Peace in Uganda" Age: 15 and above (U.S. high school grade 10 and above) Betty Bigombe Lesson Plan PDF (Video) 

Betty Bigombe Transcript

Marvin Kalb: The Institute of Peace works with peacebuilders from all over the world, supporting their efforts to end violent conflicts and promote reconciliation. Betty Bigombe came to the Institute

Betty Bigombe: Building Peace in Uganda

Betty Bigombe is a Ugandan peacebuilder. For more than two decades, she has been involved in negotiation and mediation efforts to resolve the long-running conflict between the government of Uganda and

Partnerships in Peacebuilding Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan for Witness Video: “Partnerships in Peacebuilding” Age: 15 and above (U.S. high school grade 10 and above) Partnerships in Peacebuilding Lesson Plan PDF (Video)