Scholars and practitioners now recognize that sustainable peace depends greatly on the establishment of effective, legitimate and rights-respecting systems of justice and internal security. But how can such systems be created after vicious wars?

This event will focus on findings from USIP’s newly published book, Constructing Justice and Security After War, edited by Charles Call. Based on insights gleaned from case studies of El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, South Africa, Rwanda, Bosnia, Kosovo and East Timor, the discussion will focus on what challenges arise for local and international actors involved in crafting new police forces and judicial systems.


  • Charles Call
    Assistant Professor, American University
  • Colette Rausch
    Deputy Director, Rule of Law Program, U.S. Institute of Peace


  • Michael Dziedzic
    Senior Program Officer, Center for Post-Conflict Peace and Stability Operations, U.S. Institute of Peace
  • Amb. Jacques Paul Klein
    Former Chief of the United Nations Missions in Eastern Slavonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Liberia
  • Judy Barsalou, Moderator
    Vice President, Grants and Fellowships Program, U.S. Institute of Peace

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