Debating the U.S. Military's Role in International Peacekeeping

Developed for the 2001-2002 Essay Contest, this guide contains mapping activities on the locations of military forces and peace operations, a simulation exercise on a fictional crisis in "San Dimas", a Kosovo case study, and bibliographic materials that look at issues related to peace operations, national security, and military operations.

Objectives of the Teaching Guide

  • To assist students in gaining an understanding of US foreign policy, history, and the nature of peacekeeping and peace enforcement operations.
  • To make students aware of the current debate on the U.S. military’s role in international peacekeeping
  • To provide teachers with lesson plans, bibliographic sources, and factual material to assist them in preparing students to write essays for submission to the National Peace Essay Contest.
  • To enable classroom teachers, contest coordinators, and students to:
    • Understand the overall theme of the essay topic;
    • Define and understand concepts contained in the essay question;
    • Identify current U.S. military deployment abroad;
    • Review bibliographic resources and select sources for research;
    • Analyze opposing viewpoints on U.S. involvement in peace operations and formulate a thesis for essays;
    • Examine cases of U.S. participation in peace operations and apply that information to the essay;
    • Write, edit, and submit essays to the United States Institute of Peace.
  • To meet National Content Standards in Civics, Language Arts, Life Skills, U.S. History, and World History.

The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s).

PUBLICATION TYPE: Teaching and Learning Guide